Chapter 1

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Armani POV:

  There was a knock on my door. "Yea?" I hollered while I'm looking at my outfit for the day in the mirror. "Mani we have to check you in at Brown dorms by 3 pm. Hurry Up!" My mom yelled from behind my door. " Okayy Mom!" I yelled and I quickly checked my room to make sure I did not leave anything.

I ran out of my door and walked downstairs to the kitchen. "Ouu I smell bacon." I said while walking towards the table. " Hurry up and eat so we can leave." My mom said while giving me my pancakes. I smirked and said " Wow mom , I didn't know you wanted me out this quick." She laughed and walked upstairs.


My mother and I were walking down the halls of my dorm building. I was carrying my box of books and make up. I observed how close other roommates where and was hoping that I can be close to my roommate. I focused back to my mom and  noticed she said something.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" I said. She rolled her eyes and said " We're looking for room B23." I started looking for it and saw it down the hall. 

We walked inside the room and saw a girl around my age. She was wearing Black Doc Martens with a black skater skirt with s black corset. She had long black hair and suddenly she turned around. " Oh! Hi, I'm Leila. You must be my roommate" She said so calmly.

Leila was looking at me with her hand out to shake. I grabbed her hand and introduced myself to her. "Umm..your side of the bed is so unique." My mother said while looking scared. I just noticed her side of the room. She had her walls covered with half naked anime girls,Tupac posters, and a lot of gore posters.

"Thank you..i think" Leila said confused. My mother is a very old fashioned closed mind person but she's very kind and strong. I need to get her out before she embarrassed me anymore. I put down the box and grabbed their attention.

"Well Mother, I think it's time to go, let me walk you out." I pushed her out of the down and walked her to her car. "Bye baby. Make sure to call me every day and to change your room." She said while giving me a hug. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm not changing rooms and I want you to have a wonderful drive home." I opened her door and watched her get inside the car and drove off.

I arrived back to my room. I walked into and saw Leila grabbing a hello kitty purse. She saw me and chuckles. " So how bad did I scared your mom?" Fortunately, She took my mother behavior as joke.

She walked towards the bathroom to check her makeup. "Girl, don't worry about her. Are you going somewhere?" She looked like she's going somewhere important. " Yea, I'm going to the BSU first meeting. You should come, it's start at 4."

I needed some friends and have nothing to do so I accepted.

The building looked like a frat house. We walked in and it was a mini stage and many sits in front of it. Leila and I grabbed some seats in the middle. On the seats are pamphlets so I carefully remo it and sat down. Everyone was coming quietly and then there was loud voices coming in.

I turned to see what the noise was and saw a group of people. Leila noticed and got excited. "My future boo is here. The one with curtain bangs and the brown baggy pants. Yea he's mine." She said while pointing. I looked at the group and one of them caught my eye. A girl with a Afro and a white tee with some jeans. She's really attractive.

"Ohhhh you run for the other side. I'm half way on that side" Leila said surprised. I looked at her with a shocked expression. She figured it out without me saying anything. "Um cool" i said. It was a awkward silence.

Leila broke the silence with "Well, I'm going to my boo. Be right back." She said and started to walk over there. I started to observe the pamphlets. The pamphlets started to get boring so I looked around. The roof had a shiny chandelier.

I felt someone sat next to me . I thought it was Leila.

"Hi, I'm Galleria but you can call me Ria"



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