Killer Bear

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Authors note:
Why hello there.
This specific writing is about:
What if BbyBear was the imposter,
And Plunger finds out the hard way.
(Blurb about the 2 characters above at the end)

Edit: This is now cannon! Tgere is also now a collection of one-shots (cannon and not) on Daaz_Andromeda 's acc! (Go check out the 2nd one- its sooooo goood fjrbbt)

"River! Where'd you go! The lights went out!" Lavender shouted into the darkness. She turned to her right and set down her can of oil. Setting off her pace quickened she made her way down the hallway to electrical. Quickly flicking on the levers to reset power she wondered why Rae, who worked in electrical, wasn't there. Curious once the lights came back on she decided to go to the other side of the lights panel to check on her.

Lavender immediately noticed the black suit Rae wore. Right around the corner was Rae, slumped over against the right wall. Lavi gasped and stepped back. That's when she saw River. Standing in the far corner.

"River?" Lavi asked, her voice shaking. "What's- what's going on? What happened?" She looked to her twin for comfort. She found none. River, turning around to face Lavi, started to walk towards her. River's helmet was on, which was strange because she hated wearing it. The glass front was open however, showing Rivers usually deep green eyes dull and glossed over.

"R-River you're scaring me." Lavi didn't know when she had started crying. She took a step back. River shuffled closer, there now only being 2 feet between them. Stepping back again Lavi tripped over an oil can, her sisters can. Lavi fell, spilling the contents of the half full oil can. She lifted her gloved hand and the lights flickered. Even though her suit was red, she could easily see the darker, shinier, thicker red dripping slowly down.

It wasn't oil.

Lavi choked back a sob as she finally took in all the blood around her. The blood on the floor. The blood splattered on the wall behind Rae's bloody body. The blood also stains River's brown suit. River's suit that was ripped open in the middle. A long, red tongue lolling out of it. Jagged teeth dripping with more of the red assaulting Lavenders vision.

Lavi screamed.

And her vision went black.

Authors Note:

So above are the oc's I've made
for Andromeda (the story referenced
in description). Meet Lavender (Lavi)
who's among us tag is Plunger, and
River who's tag is BbyBear. They are
twin sisters who are really close and
Their tags come from River calling
Lavi plunger because the word Lavi
reminds her of Lavatory (another
name for a bothroom)
Lavi's comeback was to nickname
River Baby bear after an old teddy
bear that River would never put down
as a kid.

Lavi: bubbly, optimistic, extroverted
River: keeps to self, protective, introverted

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2020 ⏰

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