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          Natural selection, the food chain, everything falls into place inevitably, whether we like it or not. Bonds break and get remade into new ones as a part of our lives, but sometimes, we never know we lost something until it comes back as our enemy.

Omega-level mutants used to be one in a million rare, but what was once so odd to see, now became a common occurrence the world was simply not ready for. Evolution does not wait. It doesn't have mercy.

And whether the minds of mutants and humans alike were ready for this change or not, it came nevertheless. The universe was about to ask: Is this next evolutionary step going to be seen as a threat or a weapon first?



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Zoey Deutch,
Daisy Vince

Zoey Deutch,Daisy Vince

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Cody Fern,
Adam Lowe

Cody Fern,Adam Lowe

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DISCLAIMER |    I do not own X-Men and any characters canon to it. I do however own the action and plot of this book and my original characters as well. Do not steal any of that.

COPYRIGHT |    -lxcifer / izabela

WARNINGS |    death, gore, subtance use, violence, descriptive fight scenes, mention of abuse, senstive topics, might have sexual themes too.

DEDICATIONS |     -obiwankenobi -sunshinelover VRPond moreofthatrock Bananadas remuslvpin potter_spellbook crystallous faithrewarded ( aka freaking amazing people okayy )

this is an oc x oc book ;
erik x charles is kinda canon in this

book, it happened, so deal with it..

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