Percabeth Coffee Shop AU

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This was done with @ellaorel13 so please go check their fan fiction out! It's soooooooo good.

Just a little cliche coffee shop AU, where Percy, Annabeth, and all the other demigods are mortal. (Also everyone is in the same grade, all around 16, even Luke). Percy and Annabeth meet in a coffee shop.

Annabeth's POV

Here I was again, sitting in my favorite coffee shop, crying over a hot chocolate because Luke had cheated on me. Again. This time with the most popular, mean girl in the school Drew. Piper, Jason and Leo just say I should break up with him, but I can't bring myself to. I always tell myself there's good in him even though he cheats on me with pretty much a different girl every day.

Just then someone came in, letting in a gust of cold air. I looked up. I vaguely recognised him from school. Oh right. It was Percy, the boy who had broken just about every girl in the school's hearts. I did like him when we were about 12, but that's not the case anymore. I mean I will admit I can see why all the girls like him. What with his ruffled black hair and sea green eyes, he really is almost pretty.

Then he noticed me and started walking over to me. Crap. I looked down, quickly wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Hey, are you OK?" he asked, with a surprising amount of concern is his eyes.

"Oh. Uh. Nothing" I mumbled, probably not being very convincing as there was still tears in my eyes.

"Well, if you're sure" Percy said, and walked up to the counter to order his drink.

Percy's POV

As I turned back around from ordering my coffee, Annabeth had already gone. I sighed. Did she not know how pretty she was? With her stormy grey eyes and long blonde hair...I shook my head. This was not what I did. I did not drool over girls, they drooled over me. I sighed, walking out of the cafe. I was clearly ill or something.

I tried to look at the girl behind the counter, who clearly was trying to catch my eyes. Calypso, her name tag read. I looked her in the eyes, sure, she was pretty, but I felt no connection to her. I smiled for the sake of it and walked away.

Sitting at a table, I noticed Annabeth hadn't disappeared, she had just moved tables. I stared at her. God, was she gorgeous. I decided to just get up and go to her table. I sat down across from her, smiling.

"Hey. Mind if I sit here?" I asked, trying not to put on my usual charm. I didn't want to charm her like I did a regular girl for some reason.

"Yes, I do mind." She said, rather bluntly.

"I- Ok..I'll go thenn..." I stuttered, not used to being rejected by girls, gorgeous or otherwise.

I walked out into the cold air, feeling pretty humiliated. My phone pinged and I looked down. It was Drew, she wanted to hook up again. It would have been a welcome distraction from Annabeth and my humiliation but I found myself typing 'Sorry I'm busy'

Annabeth's POV

The next day, I found myself walking to the same coffee shop. They had good coffee, and if I was being honest, I was slightly hoping I would see Percy there. Luke had finally broken things off with me at school today, and I needed the comfort of a nice warm coffee.

I stepped into the store. The girl at the counter, Calypso, scowled at me. Funny, she and I were decent friends until Percy had wanted to talk to me, not her. Stupid girl drama. I ordered and sat down at the same table as before.

I managed to make it through about three sips of coffee until I burst out in tears and put my head in my hands.

"Don't attack me, but now is it alright if I sit here? I just want to make sure you're okay," a vaguely familiar voice chimed.

I nodded my head slightly, looking up enough to see Percy sit across from me. "What happened? Want to talk?" Percy asked, sounding genuinely concerned.

I sniffled. "My-my boyfriend has been cheating on me for a while, and he finally broke up with me," I admitted.

"Oh, no. Why would he do that? Pretty dumb. If I'm being honest, though, I've never broken up with someone. I say that I do, because I have to look strong, but they always cheat on me, I don't cheat on them." Percy confessed.

"But you're the bad boy of the school, the player." I said, confused.

"Ah, the power of rumors" Percy chuckled, sunding genuinely amused. "I try never to break anyone's hearts, but I've had my heart broken more times than I can count."

"But what about all the girls who sobbed over you in the bathrooms?" I said skeptically, still forcing myself not to like him. He started to look uncomfortable. "Well...I did say I never break up with girls...I don't date, that's why"

I felt my face scrunch up in disgust. Wow. He was a player, just like I thought. "You're telling me that never, not once in your life, have you dated someone?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Well, I guess there was one girl. Rachel. She cheated on me, so I broke up with her, and she told everyone that I broke it off for another girl. So, yeah, I don't date anymore. Can you blame me? I know it's a bit of a player move to smile at girls, but I smile at everyone," Percy explained. True to his word, when a pretty girl walked by, he smiled and waved at her.

"I guess, when you put it that way, it isn't the worst thing ever. But you should date someone, even if the entire reason is to prove you aren't just a player," I reasoned.

"True. But who would I date? I mean, most of the options I have for dating have feelings for me. That would make me a player. Counterintuitive," he argued.

"Hmmm," I said. I always loved a good puzzle. Suddenly the perfect idea occurred to me. "What if we went out? Not for real, of course, but I don't have feelings for you, you don't have them for me, so it's not being a player. Plus, I need to prove to my ex that I don't like him anymore. It benefits us both," I said, hoping he would go for the idea. I wanted Luke to know I didn't care, and Percy needed help too.

"Promise that you aren't going to get hurt by this fake relationship?" Percy pleaded.

"How could it hurt me? It won't, I promise, Percy," I agreed.

"Okay then. I guess we're boyfriend and girlfriend," he smiled.

"Is that how this works?" I laughed. With Luke and I, we had gone on dates before calling ourselves boyfriend and girlfriend, but I guess it didn't matter.

"I don't know. You're the expert here," Percy said teasingly.

"I mean...sure?" I laughed. I realised with a jolt that I was actually having a good time.
"Here, give me your phone," Percy said. "I mean if we're dating we need each other's numbers, right?"

"Oh right." I said and passed over my phone. After a few seconds of typing, Percy handed me back my phone with his name and number in it. "Thanks," I said and he smiled. I blushed. Wait. I blushed. No. The room was just hot that's all.

Percy's POV

When I got home, and had eaten some blue cookies I felt my phone ping. Secretly hoping it was Annabeth, I looked down. It wasn't her, it was some girl who I hooked up with and then unwittingly giving her my number, now she never stops texting me. My phone pinged again and I ignored it, thinking it was that girl again. But something inside me made me pick it up and for once, I did something right. It was Annabeth.

'Come now. I need help'

Hope you enjoyed this! There's going to be a Part 2 eventually, I promise! Tell me your thoughts in the comments! 



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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