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It's been ten years since the portal opened, letting these creatures back into the mortal realm, and in those three years, Earth has become a battle ground. Many of the battles destroying what was left of America, who are we kidding, we were doomed from the start.

Human soldiers don't stand a chance when most of the creatures front line legions is made up of orcs that live to conquer in battle.

The only armed forces of America that stood a chance was the Navy, only because they weren't on the soils of the fighting grounds.

But that didn't stop them from finding a beast that could destroy the submarines and ships like they were made of paper.

It's what human legend calls "The Kraken".

Pirates had recorded evidence of it being alive, but after hundreds of years with no sign of them, they were just discarded as myth.

It seems as though, they're back, and now the only living things that are granted safe passage are the magical creatures that arrived through the portal.

So with the seas over taken, we tried to escape America through the air, but of course, they had creatures that could take any of the fastest jets down with stealth, and take out commercial flights with fire, or just their brute force.

Humans had no fighting chance against the Kraken of the seas, the dragons of the skies, or the Orcs on the soil of America.

In a strange turn of events, the creatures couldn't step foot in Europe, many of the neighboring countries had certain creatures that couldn't step foot on their soils either.

Most of the Western Hemisphere was safe, so naturally, survivors from America, the very very few of them, came to Europe.

We later found out that it was because many of these creatures had encountered humans, that weren't keen on them being different.

So charms and spells were made to keep them out.

The human race has dwindled by the millions, and the rest of us have packed into Europe, forcing us to build cities underground. With very few being able to live safely in America.

The only ones safe in America are those that have magical ancestors

And thanks to a great great grandma in one of the most powerful covens, my sisters and I have had powers that slept dormant for centuries.

Only now the humans that are left have to hunt us down, to end this all.

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