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America, we need money!! Help not need but want I want money

Said Louisiana.America we need you to rescue my flimgo he got stuck in a

tree said Florida. America looking confused I thought that flamingos can fly. Then Germany snapped WHARE ARE ALL THOSE lITTLE GIRLS COMEING FROM.France walking over and gave Lewisian a red rose bonjour France said to Louisiana. Then Louisiana said thanks and then dropped the rose on the flor and then smashed the rose. Then Florida walked up to Louisiana and said nice one laughing.then Japan walked up to Louisiana and then said you to pretty to look at.and then he sat down

. and then France winked at Louisiana then Louisiana ruled her eyes. And then Louisiana winked at Japan.

France was trying to make Louisiana falling in love with him but I was not working France thought to his self she is in . that is it she must like Japan!. I have to get to Louisiana before Japan does. Mean while Florida is buying clothes with Paris what a seen.Florida spent 1000$ .That relly dug in Americas pocket .Then that went to get taco bell and spent 30$.

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