Mystic Spider

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With great power, comes great Responsibility. - Uncle Ben

Those are the words a young man who lives in Fuyiki city knows all to well. They are the words spoken to him by his Uncle ben when he visited him. Since a incident occurred there, the Fuyiki fire. He was one of the survivors and was found and adopted. Then a little bit of time passed and his uncle ben went to visit him.

He was surprised to see he has family but soon they bonded. Uncle Ben was a  father figure for Y/n. He taught him alot and passed down his values to him. Though when he was still in middle school on a field trip. A spider bit him but it soon turn out that it wasn't a normal spider. As the bite began to change him giving him unique abilities and making his body stronger, faster and having a effective healing factor.

Though it did unlock something in him. That he couldn't understand it felt warm and like it's a part of him.

Sadly it wasn't long before his Uncle Ben was killed by a thug. Y/n was heartbroken, and got a makeshift disguise and went after the thug. He soon found him and was about to kill him. But stop and he though this isn't what Uncle Ben would've wanted Y/n do. As he remembers the words that would define him. He knocked the man out and made sure he wouldn't get away

After the funeral as his Uncle Ben,wanted to be bury next to his wife May Parker. Y/n then promised him, that he would make him proud. When he returned to Fuyiki City. He began to make a costume since cause of his powers would make him a target from what his mom told him about mages.

She told him about Mages when she adopted Y/n those years ago. Since she is one and lost her husband in the Fuyiki Fire. But he can tell that it might not be it. He didn't ask since he was young and was curious about Mages. Her name is Irisviel von Einzbern. She is a beautiful woman with white snow hair and skin with red eyes.

She saved Y/n from the fire and its unclear to him, since before he passed out she placed something in him and it started to glow golden. When she adopted him, they moved to a nice home that was rebuilt by a friend of her late husband. Irisviel did her best to be a great mom to Y/n, she still misses her daughter Illya. As time passes by she told him everything of the Moonlit world. Luckily he didn't want to be a Mage. It made her heart calm since she didnt want to endanger Y/n.

Now returning to Y/n once he got his final design of his suit. He went out to search for the right materials. It took him a while to get them. His suit now has some armor in certain places while still keeping his mobility. The design of the suit has, a black spider with a sword in the center. The white web all over with Red and black in certain parts. As well with a hood. He made his web shooters with his own made web fluid formula.

Since he does have organic webbing. He wants to have different options, like web bomb and other types for different scenarios. Soon he took up the name of spider man. Over two years of being Spider man. He has stopped many criminals and super villains.

He has been getting visions at night of him being in a land surrounded by webs. But what stood out was all the swords, axes, spears and other weapons in the ground. Y/n didn't understand what it meant as he felt untold power from the weapons. Until he meet her in one night.

Madame Web who is a elderly woman who sits on a chair with a web showing different spiderman. She explain to him that spider gave him access to what the Mages call true magic along with his powers. Unlike magecraft he has full access to magical energy and can utilize it in amazing ways.

As well she explained to him that his dreams is due to his affinity to swords. Y/n was shock to hear it. Since what his mom told him true Magic is one of the mysteries that was gone when the age of gods ended.  He asked Madame Web help in training his magic. To be ready to gave any Mages that threaten the innocent.

She smiled at his request. As she introduced him to Doctor Strange. The Sorcerer Surpreme, as he became aware of Y/n's situation agree to train him in the mystic arts. Soon he was taken to another dimension which was called Earth 616.

It took much time for Y/n to understand magic and how to use it correctly. Doctor Strange was a great mentor and taught Y/n much in different areas of Magic. As well helped him be able to summon the weapons he saw in his dream. By using a unique method called Tracing. Though this one is different since he can make a weapon perfectly like the original with all of its experience and history and its power. Along with the materials that was use to make it. He also developed his own spells.

Soon once his training was over. Doctor Strange was very happy to name Y/n a Sorcerer.  Y/n was more stronger than before and return home to continue his mission as Spider Man. Though he was able to hide it from his mom. She found out one night when, she found him in his room bloody and bandaged from a encounter with the Sinister Six.

She helped him up with her healing magecraft and demanded, how he became spider man. He knew that it  wasn't good to lie to her. So be told her everything. After he explained it she was shock to hear her son, has access to true magic and travelled to another dimension. But she couldn't be mad at him.

He has done so much good and saved many lives. Irisviel is proud that Y/n has chosen to use his powers for good. But is worry if the church or the mages association finds out. They will stop at nothing to capture him.

Y/n sensing her worry told her that he will not use his magic unless its necessary. That made her less worry and supported him.

More time passes and he was apart of many adventures of helping Madame web with four other Spider man get the pieces of the tablet of order and chaos. As well joining up with other spider man across the Dimensions to battle the inheritors. His weapons were a immense aid in the battle. Though During that time he was given the title of the Mystic Spider due to his Magical powers. Which stuck to him, as he was stuck in Earth 616 for a while, he made friends with other heroes and helped save the world and aided thor save asgard. Which gain the trust of Odin as he gifted Y/n with his own sword made of oru which is infused with a bit of the Odin force called Stormblade.

Now that he has returned home once again. To his family and friends a new and fierce battle will occur. Truths will be uncover and limits tested. But to Y/n its just another day being The Mystic Spider.

A/n: Hope you guys like my Spider man story. I want to make it a unique Spider hero.but still hold on to the sword aspect due to Avalon. I'm alos thinking of making another spiderman story. Anyway sorry for not updating. I've been to tired from work to write. Anyway stay safe and I'll try to update the other stories as I can.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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