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It was late at night, and cold. The ship didn't exactly have heating but it wasn't unbearable, just a bit nippy.

Any crewmate would be lucky to share living quarters with another, wether you two would have been together for spacial reasons or if you were friends...or lovers.

This was exactly the kind of lucky situation Mr. Cheese and The Gentleman were in...

"The Gentleman I'm cold," Mr

Cheese whined sitting up in their bed on the ship together, but he was ignored. "The Gentleman?" It was curious, Mr. Cheese wasn't usually ignored, especially if they were alone together.

While he waited for The Gentleman to acknowledge him, his mind began to wander.

When they're...alone together.

He liked The Gentleman when they were alone, he was much more willing to hold his hand and say that he loved Mr Cheese, but in public it was...different. Not bad different, but, Mr. Cheese never had a problem with that sort of thing so he couldn't quite wrap his head around why The Gentleman was the way that he was.

Soon enough Mr. Cheese's mind was spiraling in a direction that he really wished it wouldn't. He felt more anxious than he did before, a small drop of sweat collecting on the top of his head. When did it get so hot in here? What if he was crazy?

What if The Gentleman hated him? What if he did something wrong and The Gentleman didn't know how to tell him?

He began quickly spacing out and worrying.

By the time he had snapped out of it, about 30 minutes had gone by. Thankfully it didn't feel like long but he emotionally felt terrible, his thoughts plaguing him. "The Gentleman, are you sleeping?" There wasn't a reply just like before

Why did he ask again?

Oh how he could really use some affection right now, but The Gentleman's never been that way. He's always been hesitant on anything relating to love at all so Mr. Cheese didn't want to push it.

He felt that, if his work associate was sleeping he could just talk to pass the time, and he thought it would be a good way to get rid of these nasty thoughts too, so win win right? Plus, the Gentleman was a heavy sleeper anyway.

He gave a heavy sigh as he sat in that bed wrapped up in blankets and covers with his partner. "The Gentleman, I know you're sleeping so I'll be quiet for you." He gentlely whispered, his words drifting through the air.

He adjusted himself in a more comfortable position still sitting upward in his bed.

He clasped his hands together and tried his best to say what he thought "I really like you The Gentleman. I really..." He looked off at a window in the wall, the stars outside shining brightly and drifting past the glass.

"I love you. I know that's hard to hear for you..i guess, but, i do." His gaze focused upon the one of his affection a hand hovering over The Gentleman hesitant to touch. Like an artifact at a museum. "Sometimes though, i feel like you have higher standards than.." he chokes up a bit cringing as he talks to nobody.

"..anyway, sometimes I wish you told me that you liked me more often. We've talked about it before but- it's..i know it's hard for you to do that, and that's alright. It takes time...but"  He sighed feeling sleep tempt his mind, and cutting his thoughts short as he layed down wanting to wrap his hands around his business partner but he didn't. He knew how The Gentleman felt about being touched sometimes, so he wanted to refrain from it for a bit.

"But it's just nice to imagine.." were his final words as he drifted off to sleep. The comfortable bedding swallowing him whole

Suddenly, right before Mr. Cheese was completely out, he felt somebody intertwine their fingers with his, another hand finding dormancy on the top of Mr.Chees's head.

He looked around sleeply trying to figure out what was going on, his gaze snapped onto The Gentleman who was right beside him, closer than Mr. Cheese had remembered him being. The Gentleman was looking back at him, a small tear in his eye. "The Gentleman i-" he was gentlely silenced by his partner "I love you, Mr. Cheese. Now let's get to sleep, it's late." He was brief, like usual but there was an undertone in his wording. Something unusual.

Mr. Cheese did as was told but, he felt happier, but hadn't realized that this meant The Gentleman had possibly heard everything.

As Mr. Cheese finally went to sleep The Gentleman felt warm inside, it was peculiar. The way those few words, meant such intangling intimacy. And how to some, it could mean all the world to them.

And oh how it meant the world to him.

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"...and I know it takes time, and that's alright" The Gentleman and Mr. CheeseWhere stories live. Discover now