Chapter 1

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The sound of the leaves rustled along the street as Cassie made her way to the seedy motel. Her parents had no idea where she was. If they did they'd more than likely forbid her to leave the house.

Prior to meeting the Winchesters she would have never disobeyed her parents. Now it seemed as if she'd done so on many occasions.

Robert and Lisa Rose, her parents were strict. They always had been. In their small town of Lawrence, Kansas there wasn't much to do so Salem didn't do much anyway.

That was until the summer of '95 when she met Dean Winchester, a sandy blonde haired, brown eyed bad boy who she quickly became connected to.

Dean had been born in Lawrence but ended up leaving when he was a child. He didn't tell her why. It was something he didn't really like talking about. Cassie respected that. "The mystery is gonna be what keeps you interested in me," he had once told her.
Apparently he was right.

Dean was different than she was. He was fearless, fun and wild. Cassie was drawn to that. He was much different than his younger brother Sam. Sam Winchester was quiet, focused and mature for his age. She got along well with him even though he was 4 years younger than her & Dean.

As she approached the run down motel she spotted a black older looking car parked out front. She thought maybe it was an out of towner but the license plate read Kansas. Forgetting about the car she went to knock on the door.

It swung open wildly. "Oh hello, is um Dean here?" she asked twiddling her fingers as an older man stood there with a heavy looking duffel bag. Cassie wondered if this was there father John, who Dean had told her a lot about.

The man called for Dean and continued on to the car. Sam came out first with his head down. He had a heavy duffel bag as well.

"Hey Sam," Cassie greeted.

"Hey," he greeted sadly.

Before she could ask what was wrong the older man called for Sam instructing him to put the bag in the trunk.

"See you around," Sam gave her a small smile before doing what he was told.

"Cas..." Dean's voice called. He was wearing a t-shirt, jeans and his favorite necklace Sam had gotten him a few years prior.

"Hey...Umm are you going somewhere?" she asked eyeing him with a bag as well.

"Unfortunately I am. Remember I told you my dad is a traveling musician?"


"Well his job is taking him a few states away and Sammie and I have to go with him," he explained.

"Oh," was all she could muster.

"I wish it wasn't so sudden and we had more time ya know?"

" too." Cassie wanted to say more. She wanted to tell him how he quickly became her best friend and how Lawrence would be almost unbearable without him. She wanted to tell him she'd miss him terribly. But she didn't. She just stood there.

"Dean we gotta hit the road," the man she was now assuming was their father called.

"Listen I gotta go. I'll see you around Cas."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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