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The day started out as usual, students hurriedly dashing through the halls to get to their classes, some talking amongst each other with no worry, and others bidding 'Good Mornings. After all that, the corridors were empty with no trace.

Again, as usual.

Class 1-A was waiting for their homeroom teacher to enter, for about 10-20 minutes perhaps. The homeless looking man was almost never late, he's always seen bundled up on the floor in his sleeping bag often scaring many students while drinking a caprisun. How odd.

All the while, everyone seemed to be chattering. Kaminari and Sero bickering over oranges and apples, Kirishima laughing like the literal sunshine incarnate he is. Midoriya doodling on his notebook. Aoyama looking to the distance with that twinkling smile of his. Tokoyami secretly giving Dark Shadow snacks. Pretty noisy, like always.

But the noise died down when Iida requested everyone to keep quiet and to go back to their original places, while making his signature hand chopping.

[He almost hits someone square on the head but we don't talk about that here.]

"Everyone! while we are waiting for Aizawa-sensei we shall stay in our seats and keep quiet as to not disturb the other classes having lectures!"

"I'm starting to get worried..." Yaoyorozu drifts off

Kaminari, ever the short-circuited man cries in distress. "WHAT IF HE DIED?!"

"Kaminari-kun, I don't think we should jump into conclusions. It's only been minutes. It's possible that he's just a tad late.." The black haired girl says

Midoriya, being the (overly) observant person he is notices the empty seat infront of him after he was busy doodling on his notebook. ".....Kacchan's not yet here either."

"Maybe he's late?" Uraraka inquires

The freckled boy worries "No....Kacchan's never late. He'd rather die than be late in class. He's said it himself.."

Tension in the room seemed to rise

"I'll look for him—" Midoriya stands up, getting ready to leave.

"No need, Midoriya-kun! I'll look for Aizawa-sensei and Bakugou-kun outside." Iida says

The greenette was about to protest until the big wooden doors of the classroom slid open with a huge THUD revealing a disheveled, extra tired, extra hobo looking Aizawa muttering under his breath.

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