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"You have changed"he said,looking at me eagerly,my eyes opened whats this?was that a dream?? I(joy) question myself and I tried to remember his face but I couldn't. Next day I said to myself it's a dog dream don't be bothered and on a second thought I got annoyed and angry Who is he to say such words? Does he know me?and tried to forget that dream but can I really forget?? his presence was so realistic,then I decided even if I can't forget I won't let it bother me and returned to my daily life.2 to 3 years later I had a same dream he saying same words he said years ago "you have changed"and then again I can't remember his face even his voice the only thing I can remember is his words that keeps bothering me again I decided to do the same thing I did years ago and move on.

Five years have passed,now I am a university student,living my life earnestly but there is one thing I can't control of mine and that is I fall for peoples trick very easily and I am afraid of the world more I can imagine. yes, that's my one big flaw. I know it's funny but I too can't help myself with it, I also have one good point I am hardworking.I haven't had that dream after that and consider myself fool for feeling his presence realistic.

Spring evening,I am at my old home and there is someone approaching me with knife and I look outside window there is a person, may be the one I like in my dream,I am calling that person but he is ignoring me and in a moment a person comes and saves me and looks at me eagerly while I am looking at someone else. My eyes opened and I said to myself ahhh! it's that kind of dream again. what on earth was he trying to tell me? I rolled over my bed and said I should have at least remember his face.but this time something is different, the feeling is different.This time too his presence seems real.Why do I feel that way?Why I wan't it to bother me this time? I keep having this thought.This time my decision began to change I want to think about him.Besides him who was the second person whom I was looking for but he ignored me.Moments passed and than I realize it was a sad dream because in it the person whom I was looking at eagerly ignored my presence.After this dream I named that person,who was looking at me eagerly and my saviour,as my dream boy.

Now I started waiting for him to come in my dreams without me knowing but why is he not coming?Is there something that I am missing?I started calculating timeline of how many times he appeared and after much time but there was no answer.For one second I consider myself fool for believing in that dream and on other second I became curious of how he looks and what's his voice sound like.

One month later,I am on the mountains there I saw someone camping and he said"If you are travelling alone in the mountains be careful!" and I said"oh yes! I will"and started moving forward.But as I was travelling along side cliff I slipped and was hanging on the cliff.I was too scared to ask for help my voice wasn't coming out and then a hand approached me and I was saved.When I looked at the person he was the one whom I met in mountains.He said"I told you to be careful" with his eyes looking at me eagerly.I woke up and was so happy that he came but I had to conclude my dream.He said to be careful strangely I started following his advice in my daily life.Now I think I know when he appear I think when I need an advice or when I momentarily forget him.Is this the real reason of him appearing in my dreams?.

Now he appears frequently but this time it was different. This time there was someone as my friend who deceived me and hurt my feelings with his trash like words but my dream boy saved me.As I was sitting on stairs he sat aside me and comforted me and told me "Not to believe someone that easily,the world is harsh you have to be careful" and like that we became close friends.I woke up and cried that how fool I am to believe someone that easily and I told myself not to believe someone easily but I was happy that I became friends with my dream boy.After this dream stairs became my favourite spot.

After few days I had a dream again in that dream I was feeling scared to face the harsh reality that's ahead me but he hold my hand tightly and said"there is nothing like that, we made it like that and it's up to us to either face it or to run away from it".After I woke up I felt strange that why I kept following his advice that easily? and why is he appearing frequently now?and Why I wan't him to appear frequently?Why does he always come to save me?Does he know me?Why in every dream I want to be with him??Is that all?Will he just appear in my dreams?ahh! what am I thinking?now I want to be with him.Why?after all that thinking I get my answer.Next time when he appears I will tell him.

Few day later.He appears in my dream but this time it was completely different.He was angry at me and said "How long will you be like that?Come to your senses".After saying that he left and I couldn't stop him.I really wanted to stop him.I wanted to tell him that I began to like him.But I couldn't stop him.I wanted to tell him that I wanted to be with him and I cried like a fool for realizing it late.If he come on another dream I will ask him to come in reality.But will he come??. 

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