Why are you down here ?

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As I walk downstairs I can hear the tv on. Why would he be up at this time. Once I reach the bottom of the steps I stop and say his name. "Travis" he turns and looks at me. Last thing I remember is me getting in the shower and getting in my bed. That's how high I was. Waking up out of a weed coma can be kind of stressful.

When I reach the bottom of the steps I quickly go to the couch. for some reason the reflection off the tv on the couch catches my attention " wassup chile" he's smoking blunt. " hey bestie" I take a seat next to him. " why are you up so late?" I put my arms inside my shirt. " it's like 3am"

He inhales the blunt and blows it out in front of him "i couldn't sleep. I had to take my medicine" his tone is mellow "my fucking head was banging I couldn't take it anymore" a few seconds of silence goes by " you should've told me so I can do it with you" he looks at me " like we always do"

" I didn't wanna wake you up outta your sleep" he licks his lips." wanna hit?" I'm still a little high from earlier but I definitely don't mind. " yea I'll take it" he stares at me until I grab it. "I know I'm not supposed to be smoking, I just. I don't even know anymore" I take like 3 hits and look at him.

" I'm running low on my medication, I gotta go get it"

" we can do that tmrw" I say realizing how quickly I said it. I'm just really excited about it. I love doing things with him. Going on little fields trips with him, I don't know why it's so fun to me. "okay" he looks at me and smiles. Once he turns away his face goes back to the way it was before. " we're you gonna say something else ?" I hand the blunt back to him. He looks at it then the ash tray on the table. " uh, nah not really"

" I'm just tired" I continue to look his direction

" my thoughs, my brain, my mind is tiring. It's annoying asf"

I hate when this happens. When I see someone that I care about at their lowest and I don't know what to do. I move closer to him and touch his hand. Once I intertwine them I drop it to his knees and keep it right there. " im so sorry bestie" a few seconds later his grip tightens which makes me feels good. "even though me smoking makes it kinda worse, I still wanna do it. I still wanna get high."

" I wanna feel the high without feeling the pain" another awkward silence goes by. He puts the blunt down and sits back. " you know what I'm talking about bestie?" First thing I look at is his eyes and they're so low. " yea, I do"

he pulls our hand up and kisses it. He looks serious but he also looks sad. Which makes me sad. Asf. " I hate saying I'm sorry to people because it doesn't really do anything." He looks at me "I'm hip" he says it so quietly and I love how close we are.

" you know it's not like it's gonna change their feelings" he begins to rub my hand with his thumb. Soon as I feel it I look. " it just sucks  seeing you going through this It really does" he looks at me again and every time he does his eyes changes. " I know that I absolutely have no clue on what it feels like to go through what you go through" He stops his thumb " but I still feel something for you, as you're best friend and it sucks"

He looks at me " thank you for actually coming here. Tonight"

"things would've been like, so different if you weren't here." I look at him kind of confused but happy " idk why having you around just makes things better. For me" I can't believe what I just heard, all i could do is smile.

The silence goes by again but it's not awkward this time. nothing with him is awkward. " didn't mean for things to go all downhill and sad" I don't say anything but we're still holding hands and I love it. " why are we still holding hands ?" I ask

" I don't know" I smile " why you don't wanna hold m..."

I cut him off " no it's that, cause I really want to" we stare at each other again " oh" he says with a smile "I was just asking" he's so sexy when he's high. He's sexy in general. One thing I noticed about him is the way he licks his lips. He does it so nice and slowly. Like he just ate something.

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