Chapter 1

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      "Mama, why must I go to camp this year? I'm too old for summer camp."

      "Mijo, you are not too old for camp. Besides, summer camp is good for a boy like you. You spend too much time inside playing those video games. You need the fresh air," my mother says as she helps me pack for camp.

      "Pero no me gusta..."

      "Callate! You are going to camp!" my mom said with a stern voice, but then she calmed down a bit and started speaking with a calmer tone. "I have important things to do over the summer, so you have to go to camp this year, but after this summer, I won't force you to go to camp ever again if you don't want to. Is that understood?"

      "Yes Mama," I said happily as I finished packing my duffel bag.

      "Good, now get some rest, mijo. I need you up bright and early tomorrow morning so you don't miss the camp bus."

      I change into my pajamas, which usually comprise of a t-shirt and some sweatpants, and brush my teeth. I wish my mother goodnight and crawl into my bed, but I'm too restless to sleep.

     Just fucking great, another year at Camp Watts. It's so boring, and there is absolutely nothing to do there. Like seriously, if there isn't a camp activity planned for that day, all the campers are put into an enclosed space to run around and play. We're supposed to use our imaginations, but I don't suppose there's much to imagine when there's nothing but grass, dirt, and rocks. Scratch that, they removed the rocks when some kid got sent to the ER because he got hit in the eye by a rock. I can only imagine how horrible camp will be this year; I sincerely thank whatever higher power exists out there that this summer will be my last summer at camp.

So, this is my new story. Sorry if this chapter is so short.

You know how I said I would finish my last story. I might've lied. I probably won't finish it. I might finish this one though. Just give me time.

Thank you *blows kiss*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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