pt 1

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The (h/c)ed girl walked down the karasuno school hallway not: wondering,worring,caring,loving she didnt care what was going on in the worl around her,even if she was




she didnt care she just wanted to get the day over


she heard her little brother, Shouyo hinata, running towards her with a huge smile on his face. he never gave a care in the world on what was happening he was just there

"hello hinata"

She had such a soft voice you could never tell she was a yelling type

"mom said that you have to come home right after practice she said it was important"

She bowed and walked away


she walked off with a small smile on her face hoping for the bast today tho,she never really cared how bad her day at school will be,to people other than her they would always think she was the perfect pretty girl.,

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