Dreams to Reality

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Chapter One

Ding Ding Ding

     I almost jump out of my seat as the school bell draws me out of my daydream and back to reality. As I gather my books and quickly jam them into my book bag, I sigh, thinking about how I wish my life was different. My life isn't horrible, and I know that, but it just isn't what I want it to be. I was grateful for everything I do have. I love my family and friends, I wasn't rich but also not poor, somewhere in between. I'm not the smartest, but I make good grades, taking some honors and AP classes. I am just a ordinary girl, in a ordinary high school, in a small town, living an ordinary life. But I want something much more grand and exciting than ordinary. But how could I find that exciting life in such an unexciting town? 

     "Hey Celeste!" "Oh, hey Hannah." Hannah was my best friend, and she was perfect, at least, she seemed perfect to me. Hannah was smart, pretty, always knew what to say, and she had a very bubbly personality which made it hard for everybody to not want to be her friend. I couldn't help but to be jealous. Hannah was everything that I wanted to be. Hannah was beautiful, but in an innocent kind of way. She didn't even have to try. She was on the shorter side, but that only made her seem cute. She had medium light brown hair that was slightly past her shoulders and was curled today. Her bright blue eyes seemed to sparkle when she laughed, which was all the time. She seemed to always have the prettiest clothes on. Today she was wearing a light pink blouse that slightly fell of her shoulders and fell in layers down the front. The back of her top was lace at the top and then plain down the back. She wore simple skinny jeans which were tucked into her black snow boots. I am just awkward and undesirable. I stumble over my words, and I felt as if I was boring. Why would anybody want to be my friend? All of this crossed my mind in the time it took my to walk to my next class. I didn't hear a word that Hannah had said. "Oh. Here's your class." Hannah exclaimed. "Bye!" "Oh. Yea. Bye." I replied awkwardly as I walked into class. 

     Great. Economics class. I thought to myself. At least I might get some time in to daydream some more. Faith, another one of my friends, walks into the class. "Well, don't you just look pretty today? What's the occasion?" I inquire. Faith was a ginger, and a feisty one at that. She was wearing a black off the shoulder sweater, very flattering jeans, black heals, and a beautiful heart shaped necklace that glittered in the light. Her hair was in ringlets that framed her face and fell right below her collar bone. "Oh! Well, today I'm finally going to get to meet Logan's parents! We've been dating for almost a month, and his mother really wants to meet me. I'm so excited! They're picking me up from school and taking me back to their house." Faith manages to say through giggles. She really is excited. "Thank you! And you look pretty today too!" I look down at my simple blue drama t-shirt and blue jeans that I just threw on this morning. I had on my slightly oversized jacket and my converses that I wear everyday. "Um.. Thanks." I respond thinking that Faith is just being nice. I know that I am nothing special. I'm short. People tell my that I'm skinny. I know that I'm not fat, but I can't seem to get over the little pudge that slightly hangs over the edge of my pants. I have dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that falls just at the top of my breast, which I thinks could be a little bit bigger. I see nothing special about myself. I'm not ugly, but not beautiful. 

     Just as the tardy bell rings, the teacher, Mrs. Rogers, walks into the classroom. "Ok everybody, get out your book, turned to chapter 9, and complete this worksheet that I'm about to pass out to you." I get out my IPod and put in my headphones as the teacher passes out the worksheet. I turn to chapter 9 just as one of my favorite songs starts playing. I know that it's a older song, but I can't help but to relate to it. As "Be like That" by 3 Doors Down starts playing, I automatically forget about my work as I start to daydream once again. 

     I walk into the stage lights as I finally gets my big break. The lights are bright and warm, but I hardly notice. I know that this is my chance. I love acting and dream of one day walking down the red carpet, with my fans calling my name, later to be winning a Grammy. This was my chance to show everybody what I am capable of, as there were various agents and even a director or two from Hollywood and Broadway. I didn't know how my school was able to convince such people as those to come to the little town of Tunnel Hill, Georgia, but it didn't matter. They were here watching me, and that's all that mattered to me at this moment. That, and making sure I was perfect. I dazzled the audience in my silver dress that glittered in the spotlight, but what really got the crowd to their feet was my amazing voice and the way I made my character come to life on the stage. I was amazed as I got a standing ovation and the crowd begged me to sing again, but I knew the show must go on. At the end of the show, I was crowed by the mass of people that just wanted to talk to me about my performance in the show. All of the sudden, the crowd started to slowly fall silent as they started to part. I was astonished as I saw the directors and agents walking down the path made by the audience and towards me. Just as they were telling me how amazing I was and begging me to join their shows--

Ding Ding Ding

     I am thrown back to reality as the bell signaling that it was lunch time rings. I rush to the lunchroom with Faith at my heels. We get to the lunch line just before it gets too long.

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