Mettatale parts 1-8

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Bam! Something fallen down. They wake up, this is a girl. Her name is Meena. She asked herself where she is. she approached meekly to the exit of the room. then she saw a flower. Flowey... Flowey tried to shoot pelets on her but she doge them perfectly! Flowey is upset and them someone kicks him. they approach to Meena and introude herself as Alphys. the new caretaker of this place. She asks Meena for her name. Meena respond her name and ask where is she. Alphys tell her that they are in the RUINS. They go into them. Meena begin her tale

Alphys bring Meena into the RUINS. She checks Meena and she is fine. they walk in the RUINS and Alphys show Meena how to solve puzzels. Menna solves them all easilly. they see Grillby walks in the corridor and thinking. Alphys asks him to guide the new human while she will check stuff. Grillby explains Meena that after the king of monsters Asgore died by the 8th human Mettaton the idol of the underground took controle because two women who could be leaders died because of them. now almost everyone is brainwashed. we are the rebels and we try to defeat Mettaton. we live here only because there isn't any other safe place. Meena saw someone else. Papyrus. She said: hi. I'm new here. what is your name. Papyrus told her his name and smiled. His eyes are sad. he looks like a man who gone through many things and lost many friends. Papyrus gave Meena a scarf. a red new scarf.

Papyrus tell Meena his story. he tells those lines: "I was Mettaton's agent along with my brother sans. we were strong people and stuff. one day I realized that Mettaton is cruel. I told it to sans but he didn't listend. I decided to flee. Before I went here I told Grillby the truth and we fleed together. I'm still untrusted by our leader Alphys. Meena told him that she will be his friend. Papyrus smiled. Grillby and Meena went to the exit of the ruins and saw Froggiti and Asti. they planned how to kill Mettaton. Grillby introduced Meena to them. she asked Grillby if she could get out and see what's going on anywhere else. Grillby called to Alphys and she agreed but Meena mustn't look at signs or eat anything that we didn't gave you. Alphys give Meena a cell phone. It have a jetpack. a bomb defuse program and shooting feature. Beware from sans! Papyrus called. and Meena went out.

Meena came out of the huge purple door. It is so cold and she shivers. Meena walked in the woods along the trail. Alphys called her and told her sans is there. Meena went on gurad. sans saw her but didn't attack. He let her pass by and Meena continued into Snowdin city. the city if ful of signs for MTT brand and huge buildings. Then a member of the R.H.U saw her. his name is heatbe. Meena enterd a fight. Meena tried to tell Heatbe she doesn't want to fight but nothing happend. He used his axe and attacked her and she lost 10 hp. Meena called to papyrus and he said to use a consumable. Meena have a sandwich so she ate it. it recoverd 10 hp! Meena smiled and ran away.

Meena was in the center of snowdin city. She called Papyrus. Meena told Papyrus she is in snowdin and this place is huge! Papyrus said that she need to hurry. Meena looked the buildings and the statues. everything Mettaton she thought. Meena went out from snowdin and she enterd to waterfall. She called Alphys and Alphys told her to be quiet and don't look different. Meena doged the falling rocks but then stopped. sans! and heatbe! She heard heatbe warn sans about her! Meena ran away into the ruins. she promised to come back tomorrow

Meena told Alphys what happend in snowdin. Alphys was calm and told Meena her idea to solve this case. she will go with Papyrus and a pasta beast she created. the beast is in a cage and Meena told Papyrus what Alphys said. Papyrus hugged Meena and told her it'll be fine. Meena and Papyrus went out of the ruins and passed by snowdin. then they got to waterfall. Sans wasen't there so they were safe. a monster! They asked Meena to not pick on on them, Meena didn't do that and spared them! they continued. Meena thought about about Mettaton. Papyrus noticed that this place doesn't contain puzzels and this place is a vocation village for people for Mettacentral. Papyrus told Meena about Undyne who lived here. Meena felt bad about her.

Meanwhile on the surface: Frisk woke up. He had a dream about the monsters. he knew about Meena fell down. He started to remember his true name and life

Meanwhile in Mettacentral: Napstablook told Mettaton about Meena. Mettaton asked from him to make sure she will be alive. She works for Alphys and Mettaton can use her as a deliver girl between them. Napstablook posted that to sans and Heatbe.

We return to Meena: Papyrus offerd to Meena to go to the Tem village. Meena asked him who is Tem. Papyrus responded that Tem are monsters who live there. Meena refused to visit the place. Them they saw the garbage dump. Meena felt bad. she asked herself why humans trow those things to this place. those things were human stuff. She decided to be an activist.

Meena and Papyrus walked in the dump. Meena asked Papyrus about the life before Mettaton. Papyrus said only one thing: the life was alot better. Meena asked for more but Papyrus refused. Meena told him it'll be fine. Papyrus told Meena about a person who lived here. Undyne. The leader of the royal guard. He told about his training and how she died. she killed by the 8th human. Papyrus showed Meena her house. it is now in shambles. Meena thought about humans. They walked in the rest of waterfall but they got into a fight. Meena tried to act but it didn't work! Meena tried to spare but nothing happend! Meena used her last chance. She attacked the enemy and almost defeated it and then they fleed! No EXP. Papyrus told Meena what are EXP "excution points". Meena sweared she will not gain any exp.

Meena and Papyrus walked away from Undyne's house. Meena decided to tell Papyrus that she know the 8th human. He is her uncle. Papyrus got mad but he didn't showed this. Meena told him that she decided to keep it a secret to not make Alphys mad. Papyrus called to Alphys and He said what Meena said to him. Alphys was very mad! She told Meena she souldv'e tell her earlier. Meena apologized but still was angry. Papyrus and Meena walked silently until the room before TEM village. Papyrus tried to convince Meena to visit there and she agreed. They walked there and they saw many TEMS. Meena ate some food she brought from the RUINS and they sat on a bench and talked about many things. It was like the time isn't passing!

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