This Strange Feeling - Alabax Smut Oneshot.

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This Oneshot is basically just smut, you have been warned. If you came here for it, enjoy ya filthy sinners! XD

Alastor and Baxter had been together for several months now. They had shared secrets, laughter, tears and much more over that time. Their relationship was bringing out the best in each other and they were both happy and satisfied.

Until Angel Dust came along.

At first, neither Alastor nor Baxter paid any mind to the sex loving spider, however, that didn't last forever.

Angel's influence had Alastor slowly open up to the idea of sex, even though he didn't realise it at first.

It took some time, but Alastor slowly found himself being attracted to his lover in a new way, but not a bad one. He took more notice of Baxter's physique. His tiny frame, slim waist, gentle hands.

At first Alastor pushed away any thoughts of such, intimate, actions, but eventually gave in and let his mind wander to places it never had done before.

How he so desperately wanted to hold that tiny waist, to feel those hands tug at his hair as they moved in sync, to hear that wonderful voice beg and plead for more.

Alastor satisfied himself with these fantasies for a while, but he couldn't forever and he knew it. At the same time though, he didn't know if his Darling was ready for such a thing just yet. He didn't know if Baxter would be willing to lose his innocence to him, something that he managed to preserve for over a century now.

Only one way to find out.

After everyone retired to their rooms for the night, Alastor and Baxter went to their shared room. Baxter had sound proofed it as he often conducted experiments in their, so if something exploded, no one would know.

As Baxter closed and locked the door behind them, he turned around only to be pinned to the door by his partner with a kiss. He thought nothing of this, as it happened rather often. He simply kissed back as he always did. However, what he wasn't expecting was for Alastor to pick him up and drop him on the bed and the straddle him at the hips. He became a little confused, but thought that perhaps his lover was going into cuddle mode. That wasn't the case, as he discovered when he looked him in the eyes.

Alastor's eyes were filled with their usually loving sparkle, but there was something else there now too, something he had never seen before. It was darker, more passionate and would have scared him if it was anyone else.

Alastor finally said what he had been planning to for weeks now, his voice full of nerves and worry.

"My dear, we have been together for quite a time now. I understand if you don't want to do this, however something has been on my mind recently and I wanted to ask you, would you be willing and ready to take the next step? To, how do I put this, um, make love with me?"

Baxter was in a state of shock. He didn't realise that this had been troubling his Darling. He had also never given sex any thought in is existence. However, it was very tempting. They were in hell, so what was the harm in one more sin?

"Well, I have never given that any thought before, however, I am willing to do that with you, my love. I give you permission to do whatever you wish. I only have one rule." Baxter replied.

"Anything, name your condition" Alastor said, willing to comply with whatever his beloved wanted.

"Please, be gentle. This is my first time."

"Of cause my dear, anything for you" Alastor replied, the excitement already thick in the room. "Are you ready, Darling?"

"Whenever you are" Baxter replied from underneath him, eyes half lidded.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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