Chapter 1

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You would never think your first gathering after becoming a god would be around a campfire. You'd think it'd be a long, boring meeting with a long introduction of your new life for the next several thousand years. Not something so... friendly and cozy? At least, that's what our main seven thought. All Alex could do was stare at the strangers that could now be their coworkers and there was nothing they could do about, at least not yet. The thing that confused Alex the most was how familiar the dark skinned boy, with short dreads that fell to about mid shoulder, looked. They swore they had seen the boy before... maybe in their past life. Jeez, it was so strange considering that just yesterday was the end of it.

Jason, AKA the dark skinned boy, was too busy staring at Noah to notice Alex staring at him. Noah refused to look at him and that was the horrible part. They had just been informed they would be working together for... the rest of their lives and Noah wouldn't even look at him. Jason was trying his best not to focus on any of the other dreary and mindboggiling stuff they had recently been told, it hurt his head. Noah seemed unfazed and even a little happy that they were now dead and had ascended into godhood. He was making little droplets of water circle between his fingertips and around his arms. Jason finally looked away only to stare at the ground with blurry eyes.... Okay maybe he was thinking about it, just a little bit.

Molly clung defensively to her little cousin, although he was way too excited and smiling like the ray of sunshine he was. Molly was still taking it all in... they were dead. Like there was no going back now, their normal human lives were over. And Olliver was just bouncing excitedly while eyeballing the pink haired male who sat on the ground staring at the fire that was terrifyingly tall. Molly just wanted to take a moment alone with Olliver, not with all these strangers who had no business being this close to them. Olliver finally glanced down at Molly whom he had outgrown years ago. Molly didn't think she'd ever get used to his now bright yellow hair, then again she didn't think she'd get used to the fact hers was now short and dark blue. So much had changed in so little time and she questioned how she was gonna deal with it all... more importantly, Olliver.

If you haven't figured it out by now Olliver was extremely excited. I mean, wouldn't you be? If you were just declared the God of the Sun and all light, wouldn't you be at least a little excited. Olliver was the most excited about all these new people that he would get to work with and befriend! The dark skinned boy was the new god of fire. Which probably meant he would get to work with him a ton! He seemed really cool, well, besides the fact that he appeared to be crying which Olliver wanted to go and help with! But he couldn't at the moment, Molly clearly needed him from the way she was clinging to him, which was not a very Molly like thing to do. Olliver gave her a comforting smile to try and reassure her. He didn't know if it was " a talking time" so that's all he could offer at the moment.

Unlike Olliver, Noah didn't care if it wasn't talking time. He wanted to know who all these people were and why they were just sitting there?! " Who are you? " Noah said loudly with a fierce look in his eye. Jason looked up at the now standing Noah. What in the world did that boy think he was doing?! Everybody else also looked up at the standing blue and brown haired boy. " Who are you? " Alex asked. Noah looked shocked that his question had been turned back on him but he didn't exactly feel the need to start fights with the attractive yet familiar stranger. " Noah Wakefield, and you?" he responded shortly. A memory quickly flashed through Alex's head that reminded them who exactly Noah was. Noah tried not to glower across the fire at Alex, whom a minute later still hadn't answered his question.

Alex looked up from their place on a pearly white bench. " Why do you need to know?" They asked quietly and simply. Noah would have broken at that moment and started screaming if it wasn't for how attractive he found the stranger and he wasn't trying to blow his chances. " Because i'm curious, that's why. If you want us to have a reason to trust you the least you could do is tell us your name." Noah attempted to counter. Alex shook their head, " Why would i want you to trust me when i don't trust you? That's just illogical. " Alex said with a sigh. Noah again looked stunned at the flatness in Alex's tone. He held back an insult and let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. " Whatever. Anyone else wanna prove they are trustworthy?" Noah looked away from the blonde haired person who was now very intently staring at him. Olliver attempted to stand up and say something but Molly quickly pulled him back down and covered his mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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