A Fairy In The Streets

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You pull up your hood as it starts raining. An annoyed sigh is your only comment to your situation. You missed the last bus, so you have to walk home. That wouldn't be a big problem, but just yet it has to start raining, so you're gonna be all wet when you get home. As you wander through the grey city you see a little girl sitting on the sidewalk. Her hair is messy and she is covered in dirt. Her dress is too huge for her and very worn out. Her skin shows through a few holes. She is very pale and too thin for a girl her age. She must be six or seven, maybe even younger. She is looking at the ground and runs her fingers through her hair. 'Poor little thing', you think while reaching out to your purse to give her a few dollars. She looks up to you and starts laughing while jumping up, just to land perfectly on her bare feet. "You don't understand!" She laughs. The little girl, dressed in rags and bare feet, dances through the streets. "I'm the richest person alive!" You stare at her in confusion. 'Did I say that out loud?' you ask yourself, still confused what the girl meant. "No, you didn't." She smiles brightly as she continues dancing lightfeeted, as if nothing could bother her. She almost looks like a fairy, by the way she's dancing. Somehow her appearance changes just by these movements. Her rags begin to look like the wavy ocean on a stormy day. Terrifying but yet beautiful. Her hair, which was messy and dirty just a minute ago, looks like it has been painted by the light. You are fascinated. "How... How did you do that?", you ask. She stops her dance and looks up to you. "I can show you if you want to." She turns away and dances into the darkness of an alley, which wasn't there just a moment ago. If you wouldn't be so fascinated by her dance, you probably would have noticed an alley appearing out of nowhere, but you didn't. Even when you start following her, you don't even think a second about the impossibility of the things that just happened, yet about the possible consequences. You follow her, without thinking about it. After a few minutes you start running. The little girl is still dancing an you wonder how she is able to be so fast, while looking so lightfeeted. The houses next to you start looking weirder, unfamiliar, as you keep on running. They look medieval, like they were taken right out a fairytale, but you don't notice. All your attention lays on the little girls' magical dance. You leave the houses behind, but it looks like you'll keep on running forever. Somehow it doesn't affect your body at all. Even though you've been running for a rather long time, you're not tired at all.  After a few more minutes of running, the little girl suddenly stops and turns to you. "We're almost there."

you look around and notice, that you're surrounded by large trees that lead into the deepest darkness you've ever seen. The only source of light is right behind the girl. She steps aside and you walk past her. You can't believe your eyes. You're straing right into a tiny lake, which is shining in a very light blue. It looks like it's made of stardust. It's so bright, it hurts in your eyes, but you just can't look away. "Where are we?", you ask under your breath. "Like I said, we're almost there. And now step aside, please." You take a few steps back as the little girl walks right into the bright water. The water is reaching up to her hips as she stops and turns to you. "Try to be as quiet as possible please", she says. You nod, unable to answer, and she turns around. She says something, but you don't understand what it is, for she is speaking to quiet. You step nearer to the girl while trying to understand what she's mumbling. You enter the water, but you don't care if you get wet, you just keep on walking, not able to think clear or control your body. The water reaches your knees, you and the girl are only a meter apart. You stop and listen to her mumbling. Suddenly she gets all quiet and turns around. You are shocked when you see her. Her eyes are all black and empty, but yet they're kind of glowing. Her friendly smile turned into a sharp-teethed grin. Even her ocean-like dress looks more like it comes right out of the deepest part of hell. You try to run away, but you can't move an inch. You have to watch as the girl comes even nearer and starts laughing. Not the friendly laugh she tricked you with, but a cold, contemptible one. "We're there. You're gonna fit in perfectly." She mumbles something you can't understand and everything turns black.

You feel the cold water touching your skin, as you sink further into the deep, darkness. You don't know what happened, but somehow you feel good. You feel like all the burden of your life falls away. You smile as a few tears of happiness leave your eyes. They disappear in the water. One last thought, before every last of your feelings disappears. Not only your feelings. Your memories, your body, your pain.

"I'm finally there."

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