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I longed for your smile. I longed for your voice, I longed for you in countless ways without a single matter of choice.

My thoughts of you kept wondering where you are now on your journey of life somewhere out there. Hoping you are fine and happy unlike my pathetic feelings drifting in nowhere.

The daylight turned into darkness and the stars were never this pretty. It's an agony and torment to see how the beauty of the night tortures my emotions of melancholy, love, and anxiety. I dig deep, deeper than the depths of hell as I bury these feelings of fondness, endearment and intimacy. Tried as hard as I could, I got rid of the warm affections I have for you, to resume living in this reality of pandemonical insantity.

Darkness turned into light on daybreak when my feelings that I tried to buried ascended like a blossoming flower. My fruition of fondness, endearment and intimacy has manifested before me like an unstopable power. The search for answers of my unquestionable dilemma is finally over. You had me head over heals like a raven of despair. I put down my sword because the war is over.

I closed my eyes and think about you, how you cured my sadness in times that I am blue, how you cheered me up when everything seemed hopeless and doomed, how you gave me positivity and hope despite of how skeptical I had turned into.

You took me right out of the dark and help me look at the brighter side. Although you made the dimensions of my reality collide, I feel more than blessed that we are able to meet in this reality, inspite of the fact that you will never be with me.

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