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Hi, just a disclaimer before reading this, I wrote this just for a school project, so sorry if it is not good. I just want to know if there are any corrections that could be made to make the story better. Thank you.

The Rossco-Turkish War had taken so much from the citizens of Ober-Monjou. From loved family members to their resources. Anna wanted nothing more than to live their lives at peace. She loved her family and her friends so much. She was 14 years old and she was finishing her final year at school. Whenever she got home from school, she helped her mother and her younger sister do cleaning, cooking, and stitching, but her favorite thing was to go help her father. Her father was a cobbler, he repaired several types of shoes. She would help him do all sorts of tasks. Her brother, who had just turned 21, worked on the community farms with the other young men. It was challenging work often he came home tired, sore, hungry, and very dirty. 

One evening after everyone was done with work and had finished washing up, their family received a letter. The whole family gathered around since they did not receive mail to often. When they opened it they had been informed that her older brother, Otto, had been drafted for the war. This would mean leaving his friends and family to serve in the army for six years. They were notified that they had to more weeks and that they would retrieve him on their way down to Turkey. The next day she ran to find her friend Johanna in the schoolyard. She was sitting under a tree reading a book. When she sat down next to her tears pricked her eyes. After telling her what had happened Johanna gave her friend a hug and now Johanna was having to focus on not letting tears overcome her. About 2 months ago Johanna's family had been notified that her father and her uncle were killed in Battle. Anna was determined to have her brother stay in their small tiny town, willing to take any risk of stopping him from leaving. That day in school Anna could not focus, she was too busy running over different plans in her head and finding their flaws. At one point the teacher called to answer a math problem. She quickly thought of a random number. "23" she asked in an uncertain tone. The teacher responded with a sharp "NO" and then ridiculed her for not paying attention and how she was supposed to a role model towards other students. She then called on Johanna and she got it right, for which she received lots of praise.

 That day she tried to pay more attention in class, but it was super difficult. As she walked home with Johanna, she noticed the villagers whispering when she walked past. Once Johanna had turned to go to her house, Anna just walked in silence every now and then kicking up some of the snow that was on the road. When she got home her sister was super excited to see her, she bent down to give give her a hug then went to help her mother in the kitchen. After a delicious meal of IDK what yet, let me get home, her family sat down to discuss what they were going to do. "Of course," her Pa spoke with a sadden tone "you could go."

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