Bloody Pavement

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[Andrew's p.o.v] 

It's not everyday I go out with my mother, but today was a special day. We finally had enough money for her treatment , So we decided to head to the local hospital. As we were walking there we passed broken down houses and ruined sidewalks I noticed a mob of people standing in the heart of the town. I looked up at my mother in confusion, she looked down at me and she shook her head. This usually meant "Do not interfere this isn't our problem". I nodded sadly and continued to walk forwards. We walked passed the mob of people or almost did but a tall man tugged on the collar of my shirt. "Where do you think you're going little man" He hollered. I stared at him but I couldn't reply, I started to feel my body begin to shake. 

"Answer me dammit!" He yelled angerly as he threw me onto the pavement head first. Pain surged through my jaw as I hit the floor, Though this happened commonly I couldn't ever get used to this much pain. I could feel tears running down my face and the hot blood coming from my mouth. I tried to get back up but I couldn't. It didn't make it any better since the next thing the man did was step on my head. I wish this would be over, then the weight on my head lifted. "Get away from my son!" That was the sound of my mother crying, I opened my mouth to tell her to stop but nothing came out. I curled up into an uncomfortable position and started to sob while my mom was getting beat by a bunch of older men. 

I forced myself to get up and to that my body responded. I picked up a glass bottle and smashed the man who had stepped on me. He yelled in pain, then turned to face me with a creepy smile. He picked up another bottle and held it up, with great force it came crashing down on me. I felt the wind blow right outta me. I waddled around trying to find something to catch myself with but everyone backed away. So I clutched my chest and dropped to the floor. The crowd began to laugh hectically. My eyes were blurry and all I could see was a red puddle forming right next to me...

"Hey don't you adults have something better to do then pick on a little kid and a sick mom, wow how did you guys become so low" A distant voice said.



[Edgar's p.o.v]

Another boring day just how I like it eh I think today I'll sneak out of the house and visit the outskirts of the city. Usually my parents are busy with meetings so I get to do whatever I want. Let's try the front door first, I quietly walked towards the front gates but of course the butler would stop me. 

"Where are you going young master?" they asked.

"I have a meeting with someone very important, now let me pass" I lied.

"My Apologies master Edgar but your parents don't want you going anywhere today".

I gave them a death stare then walked into the main hallway full of nice flowers and paintings. Yup it didn't work I'll just jump out of my window, I thought to myself smiling. I locked the door to my room and started to climb onto my fancy window. I looked down, took a deep breath then jumped. My feet landed on the hard stone sidewalk, Ouch next time I should be more careful I said to myself as I brushed off some dust on my pants. I put my arms behind my head and hummed while walking into the city, Everyone knew me and made a path for me. A few minutes later I finally got to the outside of the poor town outside the city. 

I walked inside casually though tons of people were staring, I whistled through into the heart of the town. I saw a group of people laughing, I would as well like to join in the fun. When I walked closer it wasn't something to be laughing about. I stared darkly at the hurt young boy and mother I presume it was his, I opened my mouth. 

"Hey don't you adults have something better to do then pick on a little kid and a sick mom, wow how did you guys become so low". 

I grinned as the adults looked at me in shock and fear.

"Now please back away from the little boy or else..." I said with my signature death stare.

Some adults had backed away and a few stood their ground. The ones that already knew me ran away and the amateurs stayed. "What can a little kid like you do?" The Amateurs said laughing. Other adults tried to warn them but they refused to listen.

 "Look that kids a demon you shouldn't mess with them".

"Like he can do anything!" 


Before they knew they were on the floor.





"No 7 today" I said.

"Ey someone clean this mess up" I yelled turning towards a few by standers.

I pointed at the pile of bloody adults, "You don't have to worry! They're not dead" I said smiling.

I turned towards the younger boy he seemed to be a year or two younger than me, "Hey are you alright?" I asked as I reached out my bloody hand towards him. Surprisingly he took it most other children would scream and run away crying. "T-thank yo-you" He mumbled. "No need to thank me! here's a handkerchief you should really wipe your head, you're losing a lot of blood". 

He wiped his bloody head and started to cry again, "Ah why are you crying? if you don't mind me asking" I asked tilting my head. 

"T-today I was going to b-bring my mom to the hospital b-but now I I can't" he answered quietly. 

"Don't worry I've got that taken care of" I smiled softly while pulling out my phone. 

I punched in the numbers to a private hospital, they picked up quickly. 

"Yes Master Edgar what do you need?" A deep voiced man asked. 

"Luchy! I need your help! this women is very hurt and I'd like you to treat her" I asked happily.

"Yes of course but I must say this is going to be my last time I could help you young master, I recently received an invitation to a manor" He stated sadly.

"That's fine!"

"I'll be right there then sir"


I turned back to the white haired boy. "Sayyy~ what's your name? I'm Edgar by the way!" I asked jumping up and down.

"Andrew..." He says quietly.

"Nice to meet you Andrew! Hopefully we can become good friends!" 



but thank you for reading <33 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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