Untitled Part 1

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"I am so thankful to be home," Pharm muttered out, the sleep that he was truly feeling making his voice kind of raspy, much to Dean's amusement. Unlocking the door and leaving it open so Dean could come inside, Pharm toed off his shoes and stretched, failing to stifle a yawn that had Dean chuckling, the sight just so damn cute to him. Sticking his tongue out at his boyfriend, Pharm huffed and stepped further into the condo, making his way towards the closet so he could pick something out to wear to bed. Doing the same yet keeping himself in the kitchen, Dean opened the fridge and took out the leftovers they had from the night before. "I'm going to shower..."

"Okay, my good boy. I'll warm up our leftovers...unless you want to shower together," Dean asked, his voice obviously teasing as he grinned, his eyes twinkling in mischief. Giving him a deadpanned look that had more snickers coming out of Dean, Pharm grumbled something that Dean couldn't hear before he disappeared into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Letting out a fond sigh, Dean turned his attention back to his previous task, putting the leftovers on two plates and sticking them in the microwave. Hearing the sound of the water from the shower start, Dean knew that Pharm had just got in and that he could take his time with getting things ready for their dinner. "Thank god Pharm makes a ton of food...even if it's just for the two of us."

He knew that wasn't always true, since his kind hearted boyfriend loved to share his food with his friends, Dean carefully took out the first plate with the microwave beeped, signaling it was done. Placing the second plate in the appliance, Dean set it for the same time as the first one and waited, his palms flat on the grey counter-tops, his mind fading as he thought about his younger boyfriend and everything they went through to get where they were at this moment. Not noticing when the shower turned off and the bathroom door opened, Dean barely held back a gasp when small arms wrapped around his waist and a face was buried into his back.

"Got you," Pharm giggled, just knowing that he finally surprised Dean, letting his arms go so that his boyfriend could turn and stare him down in amusement. Cupping Pharm's cheeks as he agreed, not minding to lose for once since he got to see the bright grin light up Pharm's face, Dean almost didn't want to let him go but he knew he had to when the microwave sounded off, announcing that their dinners were ready. Letting out a huff in protest, Dean begrudgingly let go of Pharm and spun around to take the last plate out of the microwave, biting his lip when he heard Pharm giggling behind him. Grabbing some utensils, Dean carried their plates to the table while Pharm got the drinks. "You want water or green tea?"

"Green tea is fine...come eat before it gets cold," Dean answered, placing the plates in their respective spots, taking the seat next to Pharms so that they could sit side by side. Pouring the tea in two glasses, Pharm put it back in the fridge and carried them to the table, sitting beside Dean once he was sure everything was good and set. Keeping their meal together mostly quiet, not counting the occasional teasing remarks and the attempted snatching of each other's food, Dean forced himself to sit back when Pharm demanded to let him clean up since Dean was the one who made dinner. "I really don't mind cleaning up..."

Giving him a look that was physically warning him to try, Pharm waited until Dean grumbled and did as he was told. Smiling softly at the slight pout on the older man's face, Pharm bent down and pressed a shy kiss to his cheeks before he swiftly moved towards the kitchen, carrying their dirty dishes to the sink, his back thankfully turned so that Dean couldn't see how red his face was getting. Rubbing the spot where Pharm had kissed, Dean swallowed the lump in his throat as his heart fluttered in his chest. Getting up from the table, Dean walked towards Pharm and waited until his hands were free, knowing that Pharm could tell he was behind him with the way his body had frozen up. Turning him around slowly, Dean caressed Pharm's face and leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead that had Pharm whining out his name in that adorable way of his.

"I'm going to shower. Are you going to wait up for me?" Dean chuckled, brushing his fingers through Pharm's hair, taking a slight moment to admire how his boyfriend's hair was getting longer yet still soft to his touch. Arching his brow as if he couldn't believe Dean would even think of asking that question, Pharm nodded and leaned into his touch, nuzzling his face into Dean's palm even when his cheeks burned at the affectionate act. Squeezing his cheeks lightly in response, Dean pressed one last kiss to Pharm's hair and stepped away, opening the closet to pull out a pair of pajama bottoms and a plain black t-shirt. Ever since that one night where Dean had to borrow some clothes from Pharm and Sorn, Dean decided it would be more effective to keep some of his clothes at Pharm's condo. "Don't fall asleep on me, my good boy. I'll be out in a few."

Shooing Dean with a whine until his boyfriend finally disappeared into the bathroom, the door closing behind him, Pharm let out a heavy breath and yawned, trekking towards his bed and crawling into it. Shrugging the light blanket he had on it over his shoulders, Pharm laid his head against the pillow and just stared at the semi-dark ceiling, the only lights coming from the fairy lights he had hanging on his wall. Not quite knowing how long he had dazed off for, Pharm became aware of the things around him when the bathroom door opened and a freshly showered Dean stepped out. Noticing Pharm gazing at him, Dean smiled and grabbed their phones, handing Pharm his before he crawled into bed, taking up the free side of the bed. Shyly snuggling closer to Dean, Pharm fully relaxed when Dean's arms wrapped around him and held him close to his chest, the warmth radiating off his boyfriend's form creating a gentle comfort for him.

"P'Dean...would you mind if I played some music...?" Arching his brow in confusion at the question, Dean chose not to question it and nodded with a soft smile, knowing that whatever his boyfriend was doing, he would explain later on. Fiddling around with his phone for a few moments, Pharm nodded when he was satisfied with whatever he did. Blinking, Dean went to question his boyfriend but soon paused when the soft sound of music began to play, the beats soothing and calm. Letting his phone fade to rest, Pharm slipped it underneath their pillows, the sound still pretty consistent even when it was muffled. "I...still have a hard time sleeping at night. Team showed me this playlist that P'Win introduced to him and it kinda helps...you don't mind right?"

"Of course not, my good boy. I don't mind at all," Dean whispered, holding onto Pharm just a bit tighter as the confession of him not being able to sleep rang fresh in his mind. Letting out a contented sigh, Pharm wrapped his arms around Dean's waist and laid his head on his chest, the small thuds of Dean's heart playing well with the soft melody of music coming from his phone. Rubbing his fingers through Pharm's hair, Dean continued on with this technique until he felt Pharm grow lax into him, his body relaxing as he finally dozed off, not being able to fight the urge to sleep anymore. "Goodnight Pharm..."

Letting his own eyes flutter shut as sleep began to pull at him too, Dean made one last mental note to talk to Win about these playlists, not wanting Pharm to ever have a troubled night sleep for as long as he's around.


Well, you've reached the end! I hope you liked it and if you want to commission me, feel free to message me and we will work out the details. And! If you wanna help me out, maybe donate to paypal.me/OccasionallyWriting! Every little much helps <3

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