01- 𝒎𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒌𝒊𝒕𝒂

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a/n: hey im your host for this probably really sucky experience. anyways hope you enjoy (also sorry i chose such a s-scary picture of the team, i just wanted a classic.)

⚠️TW self harm and panic attacks ⚠️

y/n pov

My alarm went off at 5:30 am. It didn't matter to me, I had been awake for a long time before then, maybe 5, no 6 hours. I had a small nap at around 10 pm last night, but I woke up at 11. I didn't really care. I hadn't been able to sleep for about 3 months. It was bad at first. Everything was crashing around me and I couldn't even open my eyes to see it. It was better now. I had gotten used to it. I went over to my dresser with the lights still off. I was walking as quietly as I could. I knew where all the squeaks in the floor boards where now. I had for years. I slid open my top drawer. I saw the small piece of metal shine. I picked it up and held it to my skin. (bby dont do it) I pushed and watched as a warm, red liquid dripped out of my wrist. I washed the small cut and put on a band-aid. I grabbed my small black skirt, black bra, black panties, black thigh high socks, and a white button up shirt. I went to the bathroom and showered. I got myself dressed, dried my hair, and slipped on my shoes. I packed my bag and tip-toed into the living room. My father was passed out on the floor and reeked of alcohol. I pinched my nose. 'That's something I can never gets used to' I thought. I entered the kitchen and grabbed a few strawberries. I went back to my room and grabbed my backpack. I left my house and started to walk to school. I checked my phone and it read 8:00 am. 'Yes! That's enough time to stop at the convenience store and buy a small snack.' I walked in, and a sweet smell filled my nose. I quickly grabbed what I needed, paid and left. The store always made me uncomfortable, but they had the best snacks, well more like my favorite snack: strawberry pocky. I put some earbuds in, and started some music. I finished the walk to school after around 15 minutes. I walked into my first class. '3rd year me. Feels the exact fucking same as always.' The teacher told us not to sit down yet because she had a seating chart. "Well fuck" I muttered under my breath, as I prepared myself for this.

"I'll call your name and your desk mate's name and tell you what number seat you guys will sit at." The teacher spoke so sternly, but I doubt anyone else noticed.

Kita pov (yes thats right children. I do the other characters povs)

I was standing near the door as my teacher explained where we will sit. I noticed a few girls staring at me. I play volleyball and we are pretty good, so I get a few fan girls here and there. I've learned to ignore it though. The teacher was honestly being quite stern. It was stubtle, but I could tell. There were only about 6 students left and 3 tables left. All at the back. "L/n F/n, and Kita Shinsuke." The teacher called.

y/n pov

"L/n F/n, and Kita Shinsuke." 'Not the volleyball team captain.' I truly did not want to be anywhere near the volleyball team because they have all these crazy girls chasing them around all the fucking time. (im sure you've noticed that y/n is sort of harsh. heh heh) 'At least it's in the back' I thought. I sat next to him and set my backpack down next to me. I pulled out a folder with notebook paper and a pen. The teacher didn't waste anymore time and began passing out a sheet with 20 questions. "This is a quiz, so I can see how much you know." (I should probably mention that this is english class. like they are learning english) I took a look at the quiz and realized it was quite easy. I answered all the questions and put my pen down. I looked over to the guy sitting next to me. He put his pen down at the exact same time as me. 'So he's not stupid.' I didn't turn my paper in because I hate being first in anything. I know it's dumb, but I still will hate it. The guy got up and handed his paper in.

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