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y/n: your name
y/e/c: your eye color
y/h/c: your hair color
y/f/c: your favorite color
Devine is pronounced as (DEH - Vine)

WARNING: This story may have a few parts with 18+ content.

y/n Devine lived a happy life in London, England with her father William. Sadly her mother passed during birth. Even though her father is a wizard she isn't a half-blood or a mud-blood, she's a full muggle like her mother.

In her free time she likes to study magic, even though she can't actually do it. Luckily for her when school is cancelled her father allows her to come to work with him. He works at the ministry of magic in the Muggle Studies Department.

Her father is very close friends with a man named Arthur Weasley, who she has become rather close with as well having basically grown up at the ministry. She doesn't know much about Arthur's family except she has met his wife molly once or twice and she was very caring and sweet towards her, almost like a mother figure. And that he has seven children.  

//This story is based off of a dream i had//

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