Chapter 9

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Vanessa blinked her eyes, realizing she wasn't dead, but trapped. She tried to adjust her eyes to the darkness, but couldn't. She raised her hand to move her hair out of her face, but learned her hands were bound together, connected to her feet by a long, thick rope. Since it was so dark, she hadn't realized she was laying on her side. She decided to sit up, but then...
She hit her head on something metal...she was in the trunk of a car!
"HELP! SOMONE HELP ME! ROSE? PLEASE ROSE HELP!" Vanessa screamed, but no one heard her. Or so she thought. The engine of the car started, and she assumed they had started moving once again.
Vanessa laid down, closed her eyes, and started crying. She hoped this was all just some bad dream. One where she would wake up, and everything was just a horrible dream, like the movies! She would get to see Rose and Ashley, get to hug her mom, even going to school sounded like heaven to Vanessa at this point.
The car lurched to a stop, and Vanessa pretended to be knocked out, but actually wasn't. Someone opened up the back of the trunk, and Vanessa squeezed her eyes shut even tighter, because the light was so blinding. That same someone didn't say a word, but picked up Vanessa, carrying her to somewhere. The entire time Vanessa didn't even peek, worried of what might happen if she showed she was awake. She heard a door open, then slam shut, and felt an up and down motion...
She was going up a series of stairs!
When Vanessa and this mystery human reached the top, Vanessa heard another door, but then was laid on a bed. It was the most comfortable bed she had ever laid on. She then heard her name.
"Nessa WAKE UP!"
Vanessa opened her eyes, and to her surprise, it was Ashley! Her first ever friend. Her best bud, her partner in crime, she was right here. The ropes around Vanessa's hands and feet were removed, and she sat up to hug her friend. Vanessa looked around the room. It was beautiful. Only one window was behind the bed with a canopy, but it lit the room so well that it made the room look like a dream. It had baby yellow walls, white carpet, and the same colors of fake butterflies hanging from the ceiling all around the room. It was beautiful. Vanessa didn't realize that Ashley remodeled her room so beautifully.
"I was so worried about you Ash!" Vanessa exclaimed.
"Me too. But I'm still worried about you." Ashley replied.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean..."
Ashley didn't finish. Suddenly the beautiful room turned all black except for Vanessa, the bed, and Ashley. A black gloved hand grabbed Ashley's mouth, and drug her into the black fog. Vanessa leapt off the bed, and the bed disappeared. She was trying to feel her way around the dark, trying to see ANYTHING, but couldn't.
Vanessa then saw a light. It was kind of foggy, since the mysterious black fog was doing that to everything around it, but it was still visible. Vanessa walked toward it, but then ran straight into a street light with a loud
Vanessa woke up. She rubbed her head as she once again hit her head on the top of the trunk of the car. It was just a dream. Vanessa hadn't actually escaped, she was just dreaming. Vanessa was sweating bullets, and had chills. That dream really had an impact on her. She cried frustrated tears. She couldn't take it anymore! She started kicking the top of the trunk.
The car came to a sharp stop. The trunk opened. She couldn't see the face of the man, but she knew a man opened the trunk because of the big black gloved hand that gagged Vanessa's mouth with a white piece of cloth. Now Vanessa couldn't speak. It was tied so tightly that she couldn't even move it off of her face with her tongue. Vanessa closed her eyes, and drifted off to sleep. She was slowly crying, frustrated, but exhausted. Right before Vanessa completely fell asleep, she remembered something. The glove of the man that tied her mouth shut was eerily similar to the one in her dream. Vanessa couldn't sleep at that point. Questions were racing rapidly through her brain all at once.
"Was this all somehow connected? But how? How can a dream and real life connect? You can't make someone dream something...right?"
Vanessa didn't know how it was possible, but she knew that somehow, it was connected. Her gut and heart told her that it was. And that alone was enough to make Vanessa realize it all was connected. She spent an hour trying to figure it out. Then Vanessa got it. She knew she figured it out.
Ashley was in trouble.

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