Untitled Part 1

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For many years people have been putting some message in the type of clothing they wore, people started wanting to stand out from the big crowds and be different from other people, changing the way they use their clothes, giving a personal touch, trying to stand out from the common way that people were used to wear it.. Fashion can be defined as a constantly changing trend.

Clothing has become a part of the self-realization of every person. At the beginning, clothing was basically designed to supply the fact of covering as a need, a need that is dictated by the norms of social conduct. The choice of clothing and accessories is as important as the identification of the color of hair, height, skin and gender.

The present time offers a great variety of styles and gives people the opportunity to reveal their identity. Every cloth carries a strong message but is about every owner look. Therefore, the clothing of a person is a mean of communication with the outside world. It is the way of telling people about the "state" and the "status" of it owner.

Fashion can be compared to art. The use that people give to the clothes is like an architecture that gives his creation any shape he desires and want and at the same time is the reflection of the architecture's toughs, believes and also the place and the social class for who he is designing for, this works as a perfect example because, people look in one way when they are going to work and they are some other where they are just hanging out with friends. The message that clothing contains is basically a way of nonverbal communication, all of this means that in this new era, people not just wear close to follow a social condition that is to be cover, it is also a way to show people how important is for each of us to be well presented. Clothes have an immense impact on the perception of people and on the perception of the person who is wearing it, a suit can make a person feel more confident which eventually will change even the gestures and the manner of talking of the person.

Style has become one of the primary ways in which people express their personality and in which they distinguish themselves from those around them. With every New Year which comes and goes new fashions arrive on the scene and they all endeavor to be more colorful and fashionable than those which saw last year. From online retailers to printed magazines, there's inspiration everywhere. The desire to express one is something which was present all through human history.

People of all ages are addicted to new trends in the world of fashion. The style is also different among different cultures and nationalities, and this is why it's so exciting when one travels to various parts of the planet to observe firsthand how people dress in those countries. The clothes we wear have become more than merely a way to cover our nakedness instead it has also become one of the primary ways in which people express themselves.

Garments which may fit one person may not necessarily be equally suitable for someone else. And even should those clothes be fantastic designer's efforts, it does not mean that everyone would be equally comfortable when wearing those clothes. Different people will need different styles and designs, something which will be an expression of their uniqueness and personality before they will not be comfortable in wearing that specific fashion design. Human beings are complicated creatures; every one of them has different desires, dreams, and objectives which they deem to be essential to reach a certain level of success in their life. Fashion trends are a critical aspect of that success.

It is not so much what you are wearing but rather how you are wearing it which will ultimately provide proof of your competence as far as fashion and personal appearance is concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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