A Wise Man and an Arrogant Man

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A wise man and an arrogant man met in a party.

They chatted for over an hour. The arrogant man did most of the talking. He bragged about his money, the corporate empire he built, his wealthy of knowledge and all his other achievements.

"It was very nice meeting you, " the wise man said at the end of the party. "It seems like the two of us combined possess everything known to mankind."

"Really?" the arrogant man smiled.

"Yes. You seem to possess all the wealth in the world. You also seem to know everything except for one thing," said the wise man. "You just don't know you are such an unpleasant person. And I happen to know this."


Notes on "A wise man and an arrogant man":

The idea of this story is based on a story I heard when I was a tiny kid. I have no idea where the original story came from. Please post a comment if you have heard of a similar story before. I would love to know!

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