Before the deed

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So before you actually kill the person here's the things you may want to know/do
1. External heat speeds up the rate of decomposition, cold slows it down. Best time to do it is the summer
2. Do not I repeat DO NOT kill someone you are romantically involved with the first person they will look at is you, if you must make sure they are sleeping with plenty of other people preferably people with worse criminal records then you.
3. Do not bring a cell phone while doing anything illegal kidnapping, stalking, killing, burying etc.. cops can track cell phones if you have to get one, get a burner and pay with cash
4. Speaking of paying with cash but everything you need for the murder with cash they track credit cards but obviously don't buy duck tape and rope at the same time or anything of the such buy them at different times and preferably at different stores.
5. You want to make sure that the body won't be able to be identified or traced back to you to make sure you cut off hands, head, and take out teeth if this is too much for you at least clean the finger nails burn the finger tips so you can't get a print, take out teeth and take off their scalp THEY CAN TRACE DNA OFF OF HAIR
6. Don't forget to hide all the body parts separately
7. Commit the murder in a separate place then where you hide the body
8. If you are throwing the body into a lake do not use plastic bags because as the body decays the bag will fill with the gas and it will float plastic bags will also make water unable to get to the body and you want the water to get to the body because it will speed up decomposition.
9. Arson only helps get rid of evidence you cannot burn the body, don't even try burning the car that's the dumbest thing you could try. Burn things like clothes and curtains before trying to burn furniture
10. Speeding of getting rid of cars, the best thing you can do is drive it into a lake
11. If you are trying to make it look like a burglary gone wrong remember to actually take shit, and don't leave all of the drawers open the same length
12. Don't keep souvenirs just don't
13. A lie detector test is not proof of being guilty you can say you failed the test because you are nervous NEVER change the story
14. Absolutely never read anything to do with poison, hoe to get away with murder, how to hide a body, or anything of the such

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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