Chapter 1

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March 17th 1986

Dinah and Quentin were taking a break from reality, a few days away on the Queen's Gambit, Laurel was with a Moira Queen and they were happy.

Dinah was lying on the bed while Quentin poured her another glass of wine. The boat rocked a little, but the couple thought nothing of it, they were in the middle of the ocean after all.

Quentin kisses her lips and Dinah pulls him closer, before they knew it they were both lying next to each other, their limbs tangled together, painting.

What neither of them realised was that night changed everything.

March 14th 2007

Sara didn't know why Ra's al Guhl made her come back here, maybe it was to get closure, or maybe it was to send her back to her own personal hell, he was quite fond of that.

The boat pulled up to the island, Sara took a deep breath and put up every wall her brain could, blocking any emotion from her face and mind. She stepped onto the sand and decided it was time to revisit the place she'd spent a year of her childhood, the other five years were spent with a mad scientist who made her torchure people.

A woman... girl? Lay on the beach, she had dark hair and was clearly injured, Sara ran up to her and checked her pulse, it was there, but very faint. 

Sara pulled her into the shade and tried to wake her, she then got out her water bottle and poured some water into her mouth. The girl woke up at that and must have panicked because she moved around but stopped when she clutched her arm and let out a small yelp. "Who are you?" The woman demanded, she had a British accent, her voice was sweat and sounded innocent.

"I am Ta-er al-Safer, daughter of Ra's al Guhl, Heir to the Demon." Sara tells her. "And you?" 

"I am Nyssa Raatko, adopted daughter to Moira and Robert Queen, collage dropout." Nyssa introduced herself.

Sara knew the name Queen, her mother and father had told her Laurel, her sister was staying with them before they were shipwrecked. "Queen... do you know someone called Laurel?" Sara asks.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Nyssa asks.

"No reason, is she okay?" Sara asks. Nyssa seemed to not notice the concern in her voice.

"She is my adoptive sister, she was adopted too when her parents died." Nyssa explains. Sara nods.  

"We must get you healed." Sara says, bluntly. Nyssa was confused, this woman could go from soft and kind... ish, to hard and blunt in seconds.

"How old are you?" Nyssa asks, mainly out of curiosity.

"19, and you?" Sara replies.

"20." Nyssa answers.

Sara picks up Nyssa, bridal style and carries her back to the boat, everyone stared at her when she arrived back with the woman.

"Ta-er al-Safer, who is this woman?" Abda, her mother figure asks in Arabic.

"Her name is Nyssa, I found her, she could have died." Sara says, in the same tongue.

"Very well, if you are sure your father won't mind." Abda says. Sara hated when people called him her father, her real father was dead, but she put up with it anyway.

"Oh, believe me he will mind, I will probably be marked again." Sara tells her.

"Ta this is the fourth time this year and its only March." Abda says.

"I know, mama, but if I only have to suffer a little for these people to stay alive, I will." Sara answers.

"Very well, my child, just know, your father will not be happy." Abda says, in English this time.

"You know me mama, I never make him happy." Sara answers.

"We will talk about this later Ta, but you do make your father very happy." Abda says.

Sara rolls her eyes and brings then injured woman onto the boat. "She's your mother?" Nyssa asks.

"Yes." Sara answers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2020 ⏰

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