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         Steve awoke to find himself buried under sand on a beach. He casually brushed off the sand and stood up, taking sight of the majestic spectacle that stood before him, a sunset setting amongst mountains. He was in a lush area filled with all sorts of trees, flowers, and animals. He was in complete awe of his sights but, there was one large issue. He had absolutely no idea where or who he was. In that moment, Steve made it his personal mission to find out just what his true origins were. 

        Steve began walking around the area, trying to see if anything looked familiar or if there were any clues. He didn’t find much but he had the overwhelming feeling that something was odd; he just didn’t feel natural with everything being so blocky, including him. It was almost as if he had the worst case of amnesia ever, he could effortlessly swipe aside tall grass, punch dirt away, and chop down trees with his bare fists! It was amazing Steve felt that this was not his own world, but he liked living in it. He had felt empowered, as if no one could stop him, he liked the foreign world. 

        The sun had finally sunk down all the way, it was now night. Even without the sun the moon was able to provide enough light for Steve to see just fine, which he was quite surprised about. Out from nearby caverns he could see spiders, zombies, and skeletons armed with bows approaching him. He knew they could not have been friendly. Steve did not fear the oncoming threat, armed with his new powers he made a great charge towards his opponents he charged straight towards the skeleton, but was astonishingly pushed back by the immense knockback of the bow. Not only that but for the first time since his awakening he felt pain. The skeleton was beginning to overpower him, his fight or flight senses began to change gear, he couldn’t even handle the skeleton there was no way he could take on the zombie and the spider. He ran into a distant cave and made a weak dirt shack he stood in there for hours until he was certain the sun had once again risen. 

        Steve punched his way out of the dirt wall that harbored his safety, he knew that from now on he had to become better prepared; he held the wood he had previously chopped down from the tree and instinctively knew how to create a Crafting Table, which was weird because he was suddenly understanding more of this world. He was being immersed with information. He could see visions, how to create swords, pickaxes, boats and so much more. He didn’t understand but he knew that he could not stop for night would come soon, and he wasn’t sure about what other powerful creatures roamed the night. He made his first pickaxe in almost no time at all, and began easily mining the stone in the caverns, not going too deep due to fear of the monsters. After only a few hours, Steve had mustered himself up a complete array of stone tools. Steve felt accomplished almost as if he could take on the world! No ordinary person could pull off these tasks could they? Steve had no time to ponder on this, for the sun was setting fast. He made a quick cobble construct and began lining up his defenses. It was a simple house with cobble lined along the outside, a small chest in the inside, a few torches for light, and a wooden door for easy access in and out. While this wasn’t much it put Steve’s mind at ease as he was safe from harm for another night. 

        The next morning Steve had realized that he had not gotten tired from not sleeping at all for the last two days. This left Steve questioning his state of being once again. Steve knew that to find his answers, he had to stay alive and work to discover the answers he was looking for. He began venturing deeper into the mines looking for rarer minerals such as iron and redstone. Luckily on this expedition he ran into a plethora of iron ore which he would then be able to smelt down and turn into armor. While mining, he ran into the occasional spider or zombie but they were no match for him with his superior weaponry. After the duel with a few monsters, he took out the freshly smelted iron from his furnace and began smithing iron armor and tools. Steve was more powerful than he had ever been in his whole existence and he could feel that he was only going to get stronger. Just then his stomach experienced excruciating pain that began spreading throughout his body, for the first time Steve had experienced true hunger. It was a pain like no other, and it drained him fast. In a last ditch effort he took a bite of the rotten flesh he had gotten from the zombie he killed. While he hated the taste, it stopped the pain but he could tell he would need food soon. He emerged from the cave and a blood-fest broke out. All wildlife in the area had been slaughtered by Steve; sheep, cows, chicken, and pigs. None were given mercy, for Steve needed their meat to survive. Steve once again spent the night in his cobble construct, barely passing by. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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