Nov. 11th, 2020

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I packed my backpack and hugged my mom. "See you after school!" I said as I walked out the door. I met up with Fiona (aka my best friend and neighbor) and we walked to the bus stop. We talked and gossiped about our crushes and the popular kids. Then, the bus came. Not much happened on the bus. We just sat and talked, compared phones, and practiced the new TikTok dances. School was completely normal up until someone came up to me in the hall after 6th period. He told me that my entire family, including me, would die. I didn't think much of it, though. I mean, it's public school, what do you expect? I naturally assumed he was on drugs or was one of those kids with a weird horror genre phase. Throughout 7th and 8th period, I was only slightly worried. By the time I was on the bus, I had almost completely forgotten about it. Fiona and I just talked on the bus, per usual. When I got home, I called for my mom. "Mom, I'm home!" I called out, waiting for her response. Weird. She didn't answer. I figured she was sleeping, so I went into her room to wake her up. I enter the room. I look at the bed just to see that she's not there. As I look away from the bed, I freeze, terrified of what I had just seen. My mother was dead on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. Tears stream down my face. I immediately called my dad. He says to only call when there's an emergency, since he's a police officer and all that. This, obviously, was an emergency. No answer. I panic and scream as I fall to the floor. I kept sobbing on the floor until I heard my ringtone. My dad was calling. I pick up the phone. "Hey sweetie, sorry I missed your call. What is it?" My dad said. I managed to mumble through my whining, "Mom is dead." My dad said in a panic, "Oh my god! What happened?" I replied, "I don't know... I just found her dead and bleeding on the floor. Maybe she was stabbed?" "Call 911 right now! I'll be home soon!" My dad said before he hung up. I called 911, and told them what happened, and my address. The lady on the phone said reassuringly, "Everything will be okay sweetie, we will find out who killed your mom, just try to stay calm. We're sending someone over." Like she said, someone came. He escorted me and my dad out of the house while he called for backup to help clean up the mess and investigate. My dad and I waited outside as he hugged me tightly, "Everything will be okay, Everything will be okay..." he repeated to me. Then it hit me. What that kid said to me at school. Did he do this? Was it a coincidence? Am I losing my mind? 

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