That Day

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I never really like to talk about the "incident". But here I am talking about it. So let us begin... It was Friday February 2018. It was a typical day at the Pentagon, me sitting at my computer next to my friend, Steve, waiting for the next cyber attack, all the while making stupid pickup lines like we would as friends, he is African american and he always wore this hat that I for him for his 15th birthday. That was 6 years ago so I don't think he plans on getting rid of it. there was 15 cyber attacks before this time we had expected not an attack untell next month. Then theyer was the call . Mr.president was speaking over the microphone. "Hello all of the agents of the Pentagon we have terribal news the twin cities of Minnesota has been taken by the terrorist group. They call themselves the scorpions, the general will take anyone who wants to come with to take back the twin cities. Now remember do not release any info about the terrorist group to the public we must keep this war somewhat a secret like we have for the past 2 years. I really hope we will  get agents in a abundance for this mission goodbye." I was personal y shocked I have never even expected to have them attack this early. Hell I didn't even expect them to go public with this war. But it was 5 minute untell I was off. So I had other things  on my mind like what my wife or my son and daughter. But I will soon never think that. So my shift was over. I got into my car and drove home. I drive a cobalt you now old not very attention seeking. Well I got home to my apartment building. I went to the second floor and unlocked my door. My son and daughter came rushing threw the hallway to almost knock me over. "Daddy" they yelled as they tackled me. "OK get up so I can take a nap". I walked over to my Uhhh the kids said. I walked into the kitchen were my wife Jesse had just made pancakes. "I saved some pancakes just for you" Jesse said "ahh you dident have to do that for me Jesse" I said "how often do you get a full meal at the pentagon?". "I've gotta say you do have a point". I scarfed down the 3 pancakes that she saved for me. "Good night everyone." I said " me and the kids are going to watch finding dori" Jesse said. Alright good night I said

I took my nighqulo and put on my sleeping mask and got into my queen sized bed. I was out. I wish I wasent though, if I wasent I would of heard the screams of my family and burning of the wood. That night I had a good dream it was a flashback to when we first announced that my wife was pregnant. It was Christmas of 2014. We were all gathers around the tree. Everyone had already distributed gifts, I got my ugly sweater of the year. Jesse should up and said "I have another present for you all". The room that was filled with laughter was now so quiet you could here a pin drop. "I am pregnant". The room was silent untell the moment my mom who never really liked jesse started crying. She got up and hugged Jesse and after that everyone else got up Huged her. But then... Then I woke up. I woke up with blurred sight I could see a man and a women the man was checking the heart rate monitor I looked around a bit more and I noticed I had IVs in my arm. Then I realized I was in a hospital. "Nurse" the man said. "This man's heart rate is rising and fast. The nurse ran to my side, and looked into my eyes and said "listen you need to calm down ok your safe now". There was so much questions in my head at the moment. "Im giving it to him" the man said. Then blackness. In this dream I had I was standing in front of the apartment building that I lived at. The place was on fire. My family was standing in the window looking at me, this went on for what felt like hours. Then I woke up again. This time without any IVs or a mask or anything just my clothes. I sat up nobody was in the room. The door opened and Steve walked in. He sat next to me. "Hey man how are ya doing" he said this in a very quiet voicr . "I'm good. Besides the fact I don't know what the hell is going on"

"Well" he said "your wife and children are... Deceased". "WHAT" I yelled. Tears started flowing down my cheeks "OK STEVE YOUR GOING TO TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON"! "Well" he said " the scorpions attacked your city". Even more tears rushed down my face no matter how hard I tried to stop them I couldent . "here ill tell you the rest in the car" Steve said. He helped me up and got me out of the hospital. Before we got in I said "look Steve im sorry for yelling at you". Steve dident say anything. We got into the car. "So" steve said " I guess I'm going to have to fill you in on what happens. Last night the scorpions napalmed the city that you lived in the fire fighters were already headed in your direction when the attack hit, that should explain why you were so lucky. Your family wasent so". I noticed my tears were gone. I wasent sad anymore I was angry. "Bring me to the general". "But you have a week to mourn. Don't you want to take advantage of that". Steve said. "Bring me to the general"!

I said. We drove to the pentagon. I stomped to the generals office I walked in slamed my fist down on the desk "I volunteer to go on the mission".

The WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora