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He was a great kid, really. A senior in high school, very smart, fairly popular, but not much in athletics. Jagged, jet-black hair, angular, no one can say he looked bad. Yet it still came one day, that day, his sanity was zapped out of existence, into nothing.
No, I am not poor Seth Barnson, but his doctor, Dr. Don Farsdale. I collected information about him, you see, and I shall pass it to you now, hmm?


It starts with him coming to my office, without his glasses. (This only concerns me because I'm his eye doctor.)
"Now Seth" I told him. "Whatever became of your glasses this time?"
He looked up at me, probably following my voice because he is blind without his glasses, and replied
"I'm sorry Dr. Farsdale, I was doing another experiment in the basement, and they just fell right off, and they-"
"They incinerated." I guessed. He must have a lab double the size of his house, from all the bizarre ways he shattered his glasses down there.
"Actually, Doctor, they just broke from the impact. "
I shake my head and give him a couple pairs to try on.
"Don't break these," I warned him teasingly
" They're shatterproof, and spectacles don't grow from trees."
I turn to Seth's mother, the last time I saw that woman, and asked politely for the payment of the glasses. The aging woman smiled and payed for them. They then walked out of my office.
When they got home Seth removed his shoes and went down the stairs to his basement lab. It was dark besides the few naked bulbs on the ceiling, but he didn't mind. Inside had tables littered with gears, wires, and other gizmos. Machines hummed and beeped around him as he made way to his desk, which even it had tools laid out on it. He collected some wires and strode over to a project covered by a tarp, and removed the tarp.
Underneath was his invention, his masterpiece, his darling that took so long to make. It was almost- no it was finished.
It was a small robot, only a foot and a half or so tall, that had an exact resemblance to a human being. He worked hard on it every day, and it is now time to try it out. Seth just couldn't wait to show his friends, but he also remembered to be careful, for there will be needed a lot of electricity....

"So... You dragged us into your creepy lab for what reason?" asked a confused Mark. He was Seth's friend, yes, but he never was much into technology.
"Yeah Seth, remember last time?" Laura reminded him. Last time his project exploded, almost catching the house on fire.
"It will be alright guys, okay? This will be cool."
Seth uncovered the machines, revealing his work.
"How long have you been working on this?"
Mark reached out to touch the robot, but Seth pushed his hand away.
" Don't touch it! It might have voltage in it, and if you were to touch it..."
"I'll explode."
This is Mark in a nutshell.
Seth prepared the machinery, plugging stuff in, checking everything is ready to run.
"You guys ready to see this?"
" ugh! There are flys buzzing around! Are they from your maggot ex-"
"Yes, they are" Seth interrupted. " There is an electric fly squatter over there. High voltage, watch out."
After she finished with the flies Seth began his project. There was in front of him now, one switch. One switch, to make him known. One switch, for pride he could never lose...
In his brain, time slowed down, almost coming to a complete stop, as he flicked the switch.
Seth did not notice what happened, but soon he heard Laura crying "Fire! Fire! Seth!" Seth looked around. His entire lab is ablaze, including all his work.
He coughed frantically to rid the smoke from his lungs. He can't leave his long time work. He can't leave it.
Before going, Seth grabbed for his robot, forgetting im the switch was still on, and live electricity was upon it. When he touched it, his whole body went stiff, and searing pain traveled throughout his body. He remembered no more.


The house, I'm afraid, burned down, killing his parents inside. His friends, Mark and Laura, suffered minor burns, but turned out okay.
Seth had to go through multiple surgeries. He was burned in some spots, such as his left shoulder, up his neck, his hands, and various spots in the lower body. They could heal, but it is still a wonder he survived. At his attempt to take the robot man, he got electrocuted with enough power to kill several adult men, how Seth lived only God knows. There was almost as much power in that machine as a lightning bolt.
Despite his wounds, I heard that he is doing fine. In fact, I was just going to visit Seth.
I walk down the corridor to room 197 and took a step inside.
Seth was unconscious or asleep, for his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving much. He wasn't hooked up to anything, but he still wore one of those hospital gowns. I noticed that his hair now had some jagged white streaks mixed with its usual black color. Interesting, I didn't actually think that worked.
I feel sorry for Seth. He just lost everything, his home, his family, his works. He has told me of his little robot before, and had promised to show it to me. All gone. I gaze out the window, trying to figure out what will become of the poor kid.
"Dr. Farsdale?"
Seth had woken up in my thought. I turn my gaze over to him, and almost jumped out of my skin. His eyes, they were brown when I first saw them, and ever since until now. Now they were a shade of electric blue. Most might not have noticed, no, anyone would have seen, that his eyes, they were-
"What's wrong?" Seth asked me, cocking his head.
"You look as if you've seen a ghost."
"Son," I said.
"I will tell you now. At this moment you don't look exactly as you did before the accident ."
"Wait, wha-"
He looked around the room, then at himself, then back to me. He murmured, perhaps to himself,
"What do I look like, doctor?"
"Just get me a mirror!"
He glared at me for a few seconds, with bright blue eyes, then laid back down again. Seth doesn't usually act this way, so I am wondering what happened as I went out to get a mirror.
I returned, telling Seth
" There is one in the bathroom. You can go look at yourself there."
Seth rose from the bed and shakily walked to the lavatory. Before he switched on the lights, i confirmed my fear: Seth's eyes glow, giving off an eerie blue light. Seth did not notice, but quickly turned on the lights and looked at his new self. He stared for a few moments, then finally said
"I don't look that bad, Dr. Farsdale. Actually, I think I look pretty cool."
He glanced back at me.
"Where are my parents?" He asked.
"Are they here too?"
I took a deep breath, and answered slowly.
"Seth, a week ago, there was an accident. Your house burned down, killing your parents. I am very sorry to tell you this."
He just stared at me, and I, noticing my tears, told him the story in full detail. He just stood and stared at me, tears rolling down his face. He did not say a word.

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