Bitches be wildin

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One day calyx was walking down the street when a very attractive man was walking the opposite way. She decided to follow him because yolo! She was wear a dress with a lingerie outfit on top because it was cute and a preview ;). This man was wear a beanie and a trench coat and appeared not to be wearing pants. She followed him for about 3 blocks before he went into a bar. She followed him in and watched him from afar. He walked up to the bar tender who was Kevin hart and flashed him but Kevin was too short to see his penis. The man realized he had failed to impress his long lost love, so he just flashed the next guy over. The man flashed him back and they shared a passionate kiss. They got married 10 minutes later it, was a beautiful ceremony. Calyx was sad but, happy she dogged a flasher. Calyx would strive to find love another day.

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