ill promise you that tae.....

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"Haaa...." a sigh pass a cross the lips of jungkook who is sitting down and just admiring the sky with a very sad face

"Jungkook - ah!! Come here!!" A yelled was heard inside the house Jungkook quickly stood up and run inside the house

"What is it jimin hyung?" Jungkook asked his hyung "HMmm nothing just a little package for "Mr Jeon " oops sorry correction "Mrs Kim" The short boy said and smirked

"Yahh! Hyung we are not married you pabo" Jungkook said "Correction again you two are not married yet" Jimin said "That is just the same hyung"

"there is a yet so it means you two will be married soon aishh" Jungkook just giggled beacause of his hyung

Jungkook opened the package and a small box of perfume greeted him, he opened the box and read the small note with a sad face "Hyung i think this is not mine" Jungkook said

"what it literally said for "Jeon Jungkook Taehyung's Wife" So what are you saying this is not yours?"

" Cherry blossom perfume is not my favorite its Jihyeon's favorite" Jungkook said

Jihyeon is Jungkook's Cousin and Taehyung's Wife

"Ah oh umm maybe you could just stay in your room ill be cooking dinner ill cook chicken and nuggets your favorite now go to your room" Jimin said and Jungkook just nodded before going upstairs to his room

Jungkook sigh as soon as he enter his room and sat to his chair "Cherry blossom is not my favorite" Jungkook said


Jungkook grab his phone and pick up the call

"Yeobeoseyo?" Jungkook started "Jungkook hi" a voice on the other line spoke

"Oh Taehyung" Jungkook smiled "Did you like the perfume i gave you?" Taehyung ask him "Tae you know Cherry blossom is not my favorite" Jungkook said "huh? I thought it was"

"Its Jihyeon's Favorite"Jungkook said not liking the topic they have "Ah oh Jihyeon uh next time ill pick Your favorite Vanilla right?"
Jungkook sighed "Lavender" Jungkook said before ending the call jungkook throwed his phone to his bed and throw himself to the bed too

"Can he just forget her? She is gone for god sake its been 5 years he is still not over it i know taehyung really loves her but can he just love me now? All i want is his love and nothing else i dont need his money or pleasure i just want his love and attention

Cant he give me that just for once? Ive been struggling cause he keeps talking about jihyeon and buying jihyeon's favorite for me
Jihyeon!Jihyeon! always jihyeon Jihyeon is dead and im the one Alive right now

I know im being selfish right now but *sigh* im broken too i just cant understand him the person is dead but he keeps telling us that Jihyeon is Dead! Dead for 5 YEARS!

Jungkook got downstairs seeing Taehyung on the table eating silently "Jimin hyung went home?" Jungkook ask coldly "HMmm just 5 minutes ago" Taehyung said Jungkook didnt reply and just sitted down and started eating again "You broke the call earlier and didnt let me speak"

"Is something wrong?"

Yes there is wrong and it's YOU

Jungkook thought

Jungkook didnt reply

"Jungkook im asking you"

Still jungkook didnt reply


"Yes there is wrong and its YOUU!! YOU! KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook yelled

"What? Whats wrong with me?!"

"Youu! Talking about Jihyeon who is dead now !"

"Jungkook better leave Jihyeon in this situation" Taehyung said trying to control his anger

"Why?!My Cousin is Dead Taehyung!! She is Dead she cant love yoy and she wont love you even if she is alive -- "


Jungkook hold his Cheecks as Tears started falling to his Eyes

"Ah j...jungkook im...ah sorry i didnt mean" taehyung was about to touch jungkook but jungkook stop him

"D-dont touch me" jungkook said and run upstairs and Taehyung followed him

Jungkook started packing his clothes while tears keep running through his eyes

"JUNGKOOK!!" Taehyung yelled and stopping jungkook from picking his clothes

"No Taehyung stop! Im leaving this house"

"No one is leaving!"

"No im leaving i will be back if this whole problem is solved"

"There is no problem jungkook please dont"

"Tae let go!"


Jungkook kneeled down and caress Taehyung's Cheecks

"Im sorry tae i hate this i really hate this but please tae we need space"Jungkook begged taehyung


"ill be back *kisses taehyung's forehead* we will be back together and we will be having our happy ending together

ill promise you that tae......


Really Sucks at writing this days right? Yeah yeah okay okay ill upload the part 2 of "My little roomate" tomorrow and with smut of course cause i know you want that all right?

Okay that's all imma go to sleep now my mother is scolding me cause im staying up way too late for the sleeping hours so that's all Do vote and comments too love you all mwuahh

Goodnight/Goodmorning 💕

-Jamila /Jamzkie/Milaaa

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