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What is the true face of a murderer? Can one tell by just looking?

"I love the sound of my voice... toto.... because it makes me feel beautif.u.....l." A dull melodic sound recended out of his mouth as his feet brought him closer, closer and closer.

"Ssssh" a finger seals my lips making the moans clog my throat , veins in my forehead bulge at the restrain slicing through a sharp headache that brings me back to this moment.
His eyes, how did l miss this?

I watch him intently as he tilts his head backwards second guessing himself. Seeing the red flags l had ignored that have now landed me in this situation.

"You know what? You can scream as louder as you want. They can't hear you." He taunts as a smile graces his face.

Finding the hidden voice, l say the first thing in my brain.
"Am not going to let you hurt me." I scrum miserably further a way only to end up tripping and finding myself at the mercy of the ground.

He steps closer to me with an amused smile at my luck. Those gentle long fingers cradle my face, who would have thought those beautiful being fingers where stained withe the blood of my people.
"How could you do this to me ?" I look at him desperately needing an answer.a desperate tear merges from my eyes in a rush to meet the other
"It hurts." I tell him. Seriousness cradles his face
"It hurts me to,that's why l told you to stop" for a moment the pschotic smile disappears from his face.
He breathes me in as way of grounding himself

Thick sense of regret stinks the atmosphere, l couldn't tell who wore it better?

Bitter pain slices through my skin lightily enough to keep me breathing but hard enough for me to start bleeding, a cool sharp object continues wondering around my throat

Looking at him with red teary eyes, blood coting my neck. I wonder... How can that be a face of a murderer? How ....

After the confermation that her JAJJA is dead. Alice, driven by the love of her JAJJA takes it upon her self to find the murderer that no one believes exist only for her to discover more blood and bodies along the way.

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