see you again

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Y/n p.o.v
Your name is Y/N and your 13. Both of your parents are dead they died from a villain attack. After that, you always wanted to be a hero to stop any other kid from going through what you did. Denki is your childhood best friend. While out shopping for some Boba and ramen then you realized you can't reach the ramen packets. You feel a little electrical bolt on your shoulder. "Hey y/n can I help you?" Said Denki. "Thank you, Denki that would be great!" You say excited to see Denki again after a month of school break. "So uhhhhh..... Y/n I was wondering if you would uh... Come over to my place." Denki mutters. You say "that would be great thanks Denki Mabey we could work on our quirks too." You bought your stuff and left for denkis place. He opened his front door to let you in, you then walked inside denkis house and put your ramen and Boba down. "Hey, y/n do you wanna play video games?" Denki says as he smiles. "Yeah! I call dibs on the Pikachu controller!" He then comes over to you and sits down. "Hey y/n if I win I get a kiss," Denki smirks after saying that. You reply with "game on Pikachu!"A couple of minutes have passed and you won all of the video games Denki wanted to play. Then you suggested Mario kart 8 with that Denki said "sure what's the harm in trying to win." After rainbow rode Denki got the highest score. So you stay there with your eyes closed. You feel a hand on your cheek and soft lips on your forehead. You open your eyes and see a blushing Pikachu Boi. With that, you think how much fun it would be with the others here. "Hey bro can I invite the others to hang out, I think it would be more fun with all of them here?" You ask and Denki nods his head. So you type in the class group chat.

who wants to come over to denkis house and play video games?

When is the time that I must arrive?

it doesn't really matter let's say 10 minutes from now.

I don't have anything to do I'll come.

whatever 🙄 I'll come to your lame party.

I'm with Kirishima, were nearly there.

good, I'll see you guys there!

Then you put your phone down and wait for the guest to arrive. While you wait you sit down next to Denki and watch the Pokemon movie. But you forgot this was the one with the Charizard's head getting ripped off. (This wasn't the cartoon version) when you see that you cuddle into Denki and try and hide behind him. Then there's a knock on the door.

Yandere!Denki X Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now