My Little Roomate pt 2 (M)

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Fluffy smut ahead

Enjoyy this chapter everyone!!

Author's P.o.v

It has been 1 month since Taehyung started living with Jungkook

Well he has been so attached to jungkook this past few weeks it feels like his feeling butterflies to his stomach especially when Jungkook is in Big space

Yes he has seen Jungkook in big space and they're first meeting was not that good

Flashback time ~

3 weeks ago

Taehyung was currently cuddle up with kookie right now "Daddwy?" Kookie called taehyung "Yes Kookie?" Taehyung replied

"Does daddwy wuve kookie?" Kookie ask him which made Taehyung smiled a little

"Of course cause Who wouldn't love this lovely baby right here" Taehyung said and pinches kookie's cheecks which made kookie giggle "kookie wuves daddwy too" Kookie replied and snuggle closely to his daddy "Sleep now kookie" Taehyung said and kisses Jungkook's forehead and drifted off to sleep

Few hours later

Jungkook woke up stretches his arms "That was a good sleep wonder what did kookie do this days" jungkook said and look beside him and widen his eyes cause a stranger is beside him and so he dont know what to do so he scream on top of his lungs


His screams made Taehyung Jump out the bed

"What Happened?" Taehyung said and look at Jungkook

"Is that kookie? In big space?"Taehyung ask himself

"Yah!!Who are you?! You are trying to rape me dont you?!" Jungkook said and started covering himself with the blanket

"Didnt though kookie is so handsome when he is in big space "Taehyung Blurted out

"What?! How did you know about--"

Taehyung cutted him off

"Will you let me speak? Huh? Its not that im a killer or rapist or whatever" Taehyung said not liking Kookie in Big space first impression to him

"Im sorry i was just scared and shocked too"Jungkook said and look down not wanting to look at Taehyung

"Nah its okay yahh! Dont cry im not mad okay" Taehyung said and approached jungkook

"But Who are you? Does kookie know you? Did jin hyung sent you here?" Jungkook ask
Taehyung chuckled before speaking

"Yes kookie knows me infact im his daddy" Taehyung said and smirk

Jungkook blushes and hit taehyung
"Yahh did you tell kookie to call you that?" Jungkook ask "What? He just called me that out of nowhere" Taehyung said which made jungkook blush more and curse

"Stupid little" Jungkook mumbled

"Are you saying something?"taehyung ask "ahh nothing i was just practicing my voice yeahh i was practicing" Jungkook said "For what?"

"Ahh i have a voice lesson so need to practice a lot"

That's a lie though

"You do? Can i go there too i want to practice my voice too"

"Ah nope my vocal coach is a bit old so only me is allowede to be tutor by him"

Is Jin hyung old?hmm yeah he is almost 30 so im sure its old enough right?
Jungkook though

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