Bakugou x Reader

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(Idk when this is set but for a little bit of context you just started dating and there was some type of serious fight or something and Bakugou is bringing you back to your dorm room)

"Oi, idiot," Bakugou turns his head to try to look at your face as he carries you on his back" Don't tell me you've fallen asleep again." He looks back at the dorm hallway. "Tsk, never seen such a sleepy dumbass".

Bakugou takes you to your room and gingerly slides you off his back and onto your bed.

"Katsuki?" you mumble groggily rubbing your eyes and looking up at him, sill half asleep.

Bakugous heart skips a beat and he flushes at the sound of you using his first name for the first time since you started dating.

He gains control of his composure with a blunt remark: "So you finally woke up, huh? Just after I had to carry you all the way up here too."

You smile faintly because you know what he's really thinking: he doesn't mind carrying you, in fact he likes taking care of you, but he doesn't know how to break his tough guy demeanor.

"What happened? Is-" you begin but he cuts you off.

"Everything's fine now now dumbass, don't worry." he sits down on the edge of your bed. "Didn't you trust that your man would take care of everything?" he says with a proud grin.

"Yeah.." You trail off into a yawn. "I knew.. you.." You begin to dose off again.

"Hey now," he says giving you a little push. "Don't you go falling asleep on me again" he says, unable to keep a little bit of a pout from his voice.

"No, I'm awake, I promise" You say with your eyes still shut.

"Then look at me dumbass." Bakugou says in a soft voice grabbing your hand and helping you up into a sitting position.

Finally feeling at least somewhat awake you look at him now, his deep ruby eyes peering intensely into your own.

"What-what is it?" you say feeling a little shy, having him look at you so closely.

"Nothing," He replies, "I just.. wanted to look into those eyes."

Now he's embarrassed too; he looks down at your hands which are being held in his own. A blush comes to his face which he tries to hide with a stern expression.

"So come here," he says looking up again and pulling you towards him slightly as he leans in to kiss you.

His kiss is sweet and soft; the kind you daydream about in class. the kind that can make you smile no matter how bad you feel. It ends too soon, leaving you wishing for more.

"That's for almost getting yourself killed out there," he says it in a rough voice, trying to hide the sadness behind it, still blushing but tears now springing to his eyes.

"Hey," You whisper, putting your hand on his cheek. "I love you, you know," tears well up in your eyes too now, the weight of the day finally coming back to you.

He looks back up at you and wipes his eyes with the back of his arm.

"I know," he says "but don't you try something risky like that again. I-" he pauses looking into your eyes with a look of pain that softens and goes away as he takes a deep breath.  "I need you here with me. Forever. You got that?"

You nod and wrap your arms around his neck and you squeeze each other tightly. Fat, warm tears spill over and roll down your cheeks when you shut your eyes, making the hug feel that much more intense and heart throbbing.

With his head next you yours he whispers into your ear

"I love you, teddy bear"

You know that he means it with all of his heart, and he does. You squeeze even tighter before you both let go and look at each other again but not for long. He pulls you back in for another soft kiss.

Bakugou wants to keep kissing you but he remembers how long of a day you both have had and how tired using your quirk makes you.

"I know you're tired," he grumbles at last, reaching behind you and pulling back the covers. "Come on baby, lay down".

You slide yourself under the covers, too tired to change into p.j.s but you're already wearing comfortable clothes. You heart secretly clenches at Katsuki's term of endearment, which makes you all the more sad, knowing he has to go back to his own dorm room and that you don't want to be alone. You look up at him with big eyes, still watery from being tired and crying.

"Katsuki," you say, voice barely above a whisper

"What is it teddy bear?" he asks, looking at you with such care that you feel your heart pang with love for him.

"Don't leave," you say reaching out from under the covers and grabbing his hand.

"You think I would leave and miss out on some cuddles from my teddy bear?" he huffs letting go of your hand to scoot himself to the wall-side of the bed.

He gets under the blankets and you pull yourself closer, smiling to yourself and burying your head in his chest as he wraps his arms around you. You feel his body relax in your embrace and you take in a deep breath of his scent and feel a wave of complete peace and happiness.

Bakugou can't help but feel flustered as you cuddle up to him but he's able to relax and forget about any embarrassment; he loves the feeling of being with you. Just knowing your attention is only on him makes him feel better than beating any villain or winning any competition.

"I won't ever leave you," he says after a couple minutes, his quiet raspy voice breaking the silence and sending a tingle down your spine. "Got that?" He says.

"You better not," you say puffing your cheeks, sleepiness evident in your voice. "I won't let you". Your voice muffles as you put your face against his chest.

"Dumbass," he says with a chuckle "Go to sleep. I love you".

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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Bakugou Katsuki x Reader (comfort/fluff)Where stories live. Discover now