River / Río

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It's always sunny in Hobson, Montana. 

At least that's what I like to say. I know there's a TV show or something with that name about Philadelphia, but I reckon it's damn cold there and busy too, not to mention liberal. Hobson is everything you want in a town, I swear it's the best town in Montana. How blessed could I possibly be? I was living in the best town in the best state in the best country in the world. 

I was born here, raised here, and I want to be married and buried in Hobson. Not that I think about the marrying and burying much these days. High school is stressful enough as it is. Don't get me wrong, my life is pretty good. All I'm saying is that everyone expects a lot out of you when you're the police chief's son.  That meant no drugs, no alcohol, no rule-breaking. Which is fine by me. I had greater things in life to chase. 

Just like my name is River, I'm always moving rushing my goals. I want to be a cop like my pops. As soon as I turn 21, I am planning on applying to the police academy. Until then, I want to be as independent as possible. It's why I quit the football team to start making money. Working part time at Jack's farm was fun too, and it kept me in shape better than any sport. My shoulders are broad and bulky, my arms and legs well-defined, and my large hands roughened. At only age 17, I have the hands of a man who has lived life and has stories to tell about it. 

I never wanted to depend on no one, not even my parents. That's how my pops raised me, to work hard, make no excuses, and take care of myself so I can take care of others. 

That's what I admired in my pops, how strong he is. On Father's day, five years ago, when the tornado touched down in Hobson and surprised us all. Pops was out there, keeping the people safe and evacuated them from the businesses. I wanted to be there with him, but he looked me straight in the eyes and told me to take care of my mom and the twins in the shelter. I took that serious. They meant everything to me, my family. 

Maybe I lied earlier when I said that I didn't think about marrying all that much. There was a part of my that couldn't wait to settle down and start a family. I craved that type of connection with somebody and that idyllic home life I could built with her, hopefully with kids and a tractor.

But that's the kind of shit you don't talk about. Being a man is all about keeping composed and keeping those type of feelings as far away from your sleeve as possible. Sleeves were for wiping sweat off your brow, not for showing off your feelings.

 I know, I know, I was kind of young for marriage anyway. I am not in any rush of course. In our circles, some folks got married as soon as they graduated from high school. I had high expectations for myself, so consequently, high expectations for who I'd end up with. I had never really felt that kind of connection with a girl before. Don't get me wrong, Hobson girls are very attractive. A few of them are awfully nice and I would be lying to say none of them were interested. But I could never reciprocate the way I wanted to. 

I wanted a girl that the country songs on the radio would make me think of. I wanted a love like that. Someone to work for, not just for myself but really provide for someone else. But I tried not to dwell on it all too much, I had my future in line and the girl would come. I was certain of it. I didn't pray much, but my ma raised me to. If I were to pray for anything, it would be her. The mystery girl, that would be the final piece of the puzzle. 

But don't tell my friends that. Only God knows about those thoughts. I should probably pray more often. Like ma always said, "tell God everything. He already knows everything anyway and is pretty damn good at keeping secrets."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2020 ⏰

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