The new start for her.

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Whats the point of playing this stupid game anymore Archie!  I screamed in chat To my friend Archie.   Sometimes its not about if it's worth the game. Mila, its about the people. 

Hey. I'm Mila as my game friends call me. My username is Milaxoo, i always hated when people called me Mila but i got used to it. I hate myself so much. And you be wondering " why? " Well. When i started this game. I was a nobody i found people though. but anytime i really liked them and felt happy about it. They left me, So then i became Worse. And so did my life in real life. This game i started had millions of different games to play in one. And you could chat with friends. People could make games to, it was my dream. I found this game called Rhc! stands for roy's High cool. The name wasn't that cool but i liked it. Soon after i started. I started finding people, but soon after losing them and being sadder each time, Pathetic right? A game.. Just a game. Then i met someone called Liza. She liked to role play i know i wasnt that cool, but why did she ignore me everytime.. I tried to join or talk to her. Then i met Stella, she was the best person in my life. We liked to roleplay together.  I didn't lose her. Although i had breakdowns in front of her. Many times i even yelled at her. As i lost people i lost myself to. I started getting anger issues, insecurities, Breakdowns, And more i never felt like myself. I Fell for star i really did. Online game or not, we were friends for 2 years. Then i met more people i kept losing. I kept wondering over, and over, Why? Why did they keep leaving.. Me.. Then it got to much for me. At the start of 2020 i was done. That is what ur seeing at the start of the story. me quitting Rhc. To start new on a new game i knew Still the same but not Rhc anymore. It was still on Rocel thats the main game's name. I found a game on Rocel called. "   City ceep "   I started new there. No more pain, or so i thought.. 

Milaxoo : Pfft- Ur a Idiot Tay 

Taylorunicorn : :( 

Milaxoo : sorry- TuT 

I messed around for the rest of the hour in a party u can make on the game. Dressed as girl Aizawa from My hero academia. I got bored so i logged off for the day after messing around for a while. At the time i was a big my hero academia fan. I decided to go to bed. I was happy i started new finally away from everything. i felt.. happy and it was real this time. But.. I still fake laughed on the game in chat. They couldn't see or hear real me so i could fake. I felt empty inside still. My sister wanted to make me suffer. And everything else wasn't any better in my real life. I could escape on games, so why do i have to fake laugh? Like does it feel like any friends i ever have. Are never really my... Friends...  It feels like. I have no one, no more. But this new start will be the best chance of for me. So lets wake up tomorrow and feel happy! Ok me? Ok. Good, 

I fall asleep. Thinking of it as i do, 


Morning finally! Time to get online,  

Should i change into a really short deku? I think inside my head.  I know theres a lot of them already but i want to so! I will. I change into tiny deku and go to a my hero academia party on the game.  i fool around then see a guy. I open chat 

Eea12 : No. 

Milaxoo : Hey :

Eea12 : Hello

Milaxoo : What you doing over here?  

It was a guy dressed as todorokiHe is short  like me. Well that's nice i guess I'll hang out with him for a bit and make jokes. Just to fake laugh at i guess..  

We chat for a while then we friend each other. A person comes over and calls us his dad's because he says he's a " Tododeku " Shipchild. I just go with it.  along the way we somehow became a couple after he confessed weeks or days later. We were fine for the most part. We had an amazing start. 

Ill leave it here for now guys. Thanks if u wanna support my story. i allow hate btw 

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