The Pure Shadow

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'It doesn't look like I'll be making it to the end..'

I collapsed on my side, the vision of the peaceful forest blurring.


My eyes slowly slipped shut, black filling my vision as my name was again called out...Shadow..

There are some that say life is worthless, meant only to torture, and there are some that say life is for living, making friendships, and making it all worth while. I believed neither of this ideas, originally. I believed in an idea similar to "Survival of the Fittest". I killed to survive, and that was I fact I had come to terms with. I had nobody beside me, and I didn't care to have any, really I didn't. I was alone, and I was perfectly fine with that. But if I am honest, truly honest with myself..I regret being alone. I regret it. I wish there were people determined enough, strong enough to remain by my side. I wished I didn't have to kill to survive. I wish I had Paradise.

My mother had always told me that I had a problem fitting into places, especially when I just didn't belong there anyway. My mother was Human, as most might be surprised to find. She was an amazing musician, and she played this one piece, this one amazing piece, that she called my theme; she called it "Shadow's Theme". It the played on the leaf flute, and the tune, as she said, described a struggle with fitting in and finding someone to love. I lost my mother a long time ago.

It was around the time I was sixteen, that I came across my wolf heritage. I transformed when I attempted to protect a young girl from a group of guys picking on her. I attacked and killed them. She ran off in fear, and was later shot to death by guards hoping to capture me.

My father abandoned my mother during a pregnancy and I don't even know if he was a wolf or not. A wolf mating with a human seemed impossible, but I didn't reject the idea. I found him shortly after I was on the run, killed by robbers.

It was around the time I was twenty-seven that I met a group who didn't die. Or, at least until I was ready to let go.

The snow crumbled beneath my running feet as I ran through the blizzard. My left hind leg was bleeding, and I needed shelter before nightfall. I glanced around with dark black eyes. My body was weak and my will to survive had begun to dwindle about a hundred miles ago. I'd been doing this for so long, and in that moment, I felt as though it might finally be over.

All the running, all of it, would finally be over. I could finally be free of this world, able to join those I loved above. Was this really the end? Would I really die here? With no friends? No memories? No tears?

I began to feel foolish as these thoughts rang loudly in the back of my mind. It was insane, believing that I would finally be rid of this horrid vision. I'd had these situations multiple times and I'd had these thoughts before as well. And then, the three figures came into view. They were walking slowly, obviously feeling cautious towards me. A strange hope rose within the pit of my stomach. I pulled my determination into slow, pained steps. I staggered, my body shaking.

"You've got to live on, Shadow.."

I collapsed on my side, the snow slowly falling down around me.

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!"


And my eyes closed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2012 ⏰

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