When lightning struck

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Pansy immediately stop reading the moment she heard the roaring thunder. Absent-mindedly she clutched her book not noticing that she's crumpling the cover. She considered herself a daredevil because of the extreme sport she's into, but one thing she's afraid of, and that would be the roaring thunder and lightning. Funny, right? A simple sound and spark of nature and she's already horrified. If her friends found out about it, they would tease her endlessly. She started to inhale deeply in order to calm her nerves. It would not be a good scene if she starts to hyperventilate inside this coffee shop, especially she's starting to like hanging out there and spending her boring afternoon. She closed her eyes and imagined herself at the confines of her room.

Yannick can't help but sigh. He's thankful that he went inside a coffee shop before it started to rain. The only problem that he's facing right now is where to seat and kill time while waiting for her sister. The place is totally jam-packed. Then he noticed the girl seating alone at the corner side of the shop.

"Is this seat taken? "He asked, but he did not get any response. The girl seems to be oblivious with her surroundings. He was about to asked the same question when he noticed her heaving breathing and jolt when a lightning struck. Curiously he sat at the opposite side of the chair and watched her. Then came another roaring thunder. 'This is interesting.' he thought.

Pansy almost jumps. Her heart is pounding. Why of all time she forgot to bring her iPod so that she can cover her ears with blasting sounds.

'Breathe Pansy, breathe.' She told herself and grab the glass of water at her table, not knowing she have one.

"That's actually mine." said someone opposite her.

She almost spit the water at his face, good thing she's able to shallow it, making her cough uncontrollably.

"You okay, miss?" He asked, while soothing her back. But he immediately stops, when she shrugged her shoulder.

"I'm okay, just choke with my own saliva." then she realized it sound disgusting. "That sounds disgusting."

He heartily laughed.

She smiled, at least this guy were able to distract her. Pansy literally stare at him while analysing where she seen his face. Then it hit her, he look like her football crush, Yannick. But that would be impossible as far as she knows, he's in Rome right now. Thanks to social media she's able to follow her crushes. She was about to say her thanks when a blinding light flash followed by a roaring thunder, making her jump and swear at the same time.

"Damn it!"

She heard him chuckled then she looked at him sharply. This guy would hear her lashing tongue no matter how pretty he looks, if only she's not in this kind of dilemma. She was about to say something when he hand his iPod.

"To make you invisible." he smirked.

She gives her signature smug but snatched the iPod on his hand then listened to whatever music he has.

"Thank you." he sarcastically said. But she just shrugged, since she can't hear him.

She inhale deeply and calm her nerves. Not bad, he actually has an interesting choice of music. She smiled at him then mouthed the word 'thank you.'

He just thumbs up.

She stare at him, same goes with him. Now the staring game begins. They stay like that for almost an hour.

He was shaking his head and removed the earplugs. "It stopped raining."

"Oh!" The only thing she's able to utter when she heard her surrounding and his voice. She feels her blood rushed to her face. She sure is red and blushing. This guy just witnessed her weakness. "Thank you." She said while handling his iPod back.

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