1 - the new murder

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Will watched the boy from across the cafeteria eat silently, talking with his best friend without a care in the world. The brunette didn't even notice the freckled hand wave over his face to get his attention as he was too focused on Michael wheeler. His dark curls that matched perfectly with his freckled pale skin while wearing a black shirt that looked a bit bigger for his size with blue jeans cuffed at the ankles with white converse and a jacket hanging on the back of his seat.

"Earth to Will!" Hummed Max, making the brunette finally look at her. "Jesus your worse than Danny from grease. He actually tries to act like he doesn't like Sandy."

"Shut up. Still didn't know you were a musical fan." Will muttered, throwing a piece of his bread at her which landed in her hair. He slouched in his chair as max saw Jane skip over and sit next to her, giving her a small peck on the cheek before biting her apple.

"Will staring at mike wheeler again?" Jane sighed, making max let out a snort as Will glared at her. The brunette looked at mike who was looking right back at him, a small smirk plastered on his lips — those perfect lips.

Will couldn't loose eye contact with those black orbs, which made the two girls realising they looked like they were having a staring contest.

"Stop with the fuck eyes and lets go." Max growled, kicking his ankle which made him wince and look away. Once he looked at mike again, he saw that the boy wasn't even paying attention anymore. A kind of disappointment washed over him as they exited the cafeteria.

"I swear, mike likes you." Jane giggled, wrapping her arm around will's as they walked down the halls. Max let her skateboard fall down as she began to ride around the two as they continued to make it to lesson.

"See ya." Jane said, kissing her brother's cheek before walking to her seat next to max. Will sat down at the corner of the room, watching every student walk in and sit down. That's when he saw those dark orbs again walk into the classroom and sit as far away from him as possible.

"shit." Will muttered softly, covering his face with as much hair as he could. The teacher walked in, the teacher that always chose to make Will the centre of attention.

"Will, sit up properly." She growled, not bothering to notice the boy in front with his feet on the desk. He coughed lightly, looking at the corner of his eye to see mike staring at him while letting out a small laugh. "And stop staring at people and pay attention."

Everyone started laughing as he looked down at the desk with a nervous feeling filling his stomach.

"Kids, I want to talk about the murders that have been happening around town recently." The teacher said, making will see mike suddenly tense. Will bit his lip as he imagined comforting the boy who looked scared of the murders. "Now. They are slowly getting close and they might find the culprit soon enough."

"Ma'am, sorry to break it to you, but the police here suck and they'll probably never find them." Mike shrugged, making everyone turn to him.

"Hey, my dads the chief of police, one Phone call and he can make you seem like the murderer." Jane growled.

"Oh, Sorry, princess. Want me to polish your tiara." Mike mocked, making his friend, Lucas snicker. Will looked at Jane who gave him the 'why do you like him' look. Will only shrugged in response as the teacher carried on with the lesson.

Will grabbed the bottle of wine from his sister who was a giggling mess and making out with her girlfriend. Will gulped down the drink, which made Jane and max cheer.

"Fuck!" Will coughed, spitting out the wine which made the two laugh before drinking more. Will turned, seeing the two adults at the door staring at them in shock. "Shit!"

"Hide the wine!" Max yelled, making pJane hit her on the head before pushing the wine under the couch.

"I can't deal with this." Hopper muttered, rubbing his forehead as he walked to his room. Joyce crossed her arms, making the two siblings make puppy eyes at her. "Just make them sober!"

"Come on. Let's go get a glass of water." Joyce muttered, walking the three over to the kitchen — well, they were tripping over everything.

"Sorry, mommy." Will slurred, giggling as he grabbed the water and gulped it down. Joyce only chuckled at how silly her son was as Jane drank hers with max. Will immediately fell to the floor, snoring loudly which made Joyce break out into laughter.

"Hop!" She yelled, trying to stop her giggles but broke into laughter as hopper walked into the kitchen and seeing his step-son on the floor. "He just fell."

Hopper chuckled as he picked up the boy and brought him to his room with a huge rainbow flag hanging. He put the boy down on the blankets and walked out as Joyce kissed her son on the forehead.

She walked out to see Jane and max singing a song as they swayed to her room.

Will slowly opened his eyes, seeing mike in the corner of his room on a chair. He quickly sat up, covering himself with a blanket.

"M-mike?" Will asked softly, his cheeks glowing red as mike slowly stood up.

"You know my name? What a surprise since you're my stalker." Mike chuckled, making will blush furiously as mike crawled on top of him. He quickly covered his face with the blanket, knowing mike was going to pull it down anyway.

Mike smirked lightly, resting his forehead on will's before kissing him softly. Will immediately kissed back, tangling his fingers in his dark locks.

He suddenly heard a bark, making him shut his eyes and open them again to see that mike had disappeared and it was the morning.

"A fucking wet dream." Will sighed, rubbing his eyes as he turned to see Joyce staring at him.

"A what now?!" She laughed, making him blush furiously and turn away. He quickly sat up and ran out of the room as Joyce kept chasing him around the house asking what he was dreaming about and unable to stop giggling.

"Leave me alone!" Will yelled, locking the bathroom door.

"Oh, come on, will! Your a teen, of course you're gonna get horny!" Joyce laughed, making will cringe. "Sorry."

"Just forget about it!" Will yelled.

"Okay, okay. Just come out and tell me what you were dreaming about or I'm gonna tell it over breakfast." Joyce giggled, making will unlock the door and cross his arms.

"I like a boy and it was just us... you know..." Will said, blushing and covering his eyes.

"That isn't embarrassing. Me and hop actually do it." Joyce shrugged, making will make a gagging noise before walking away. Joyce began to laugh hysterically as Jane walked down. "Sorry, Sorry."

"What happened?" Jane asked.

"Will had a wet dream about a boy." Joyce laughed, immediately getting hit in will's weak punches as he actually didn't want to hurt his mother. Jane tried to hold in her laughter.

"Mike?" She asked.

"Ooooh, Mike, huh?" Joyce giggled, making will blush and run to his room. "William, I'm sorry, baby!"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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