OC Profiles

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(I'm going to explain all of their personality traits, alliances, aliases, and their quirks in the My Hero Academia universe on this page. Not all of them will be in every one shot, but this is just so that you guys know who's who, who I'm talking about if I refer to any of my OCs and them as characters.

You can skip this page if you want but it's more to just help you guys out. I also added the song above, Gasoline by Halsey, because my OCs feel kind of like outcasts; despite their different traits from one another. It's a theme song that sort of fits with all of them; their struggles, their dreams, what they want to do to make the world better for others.

Except Mira, because I will mainly be writing her as a child.

Making your own profiles for your OCs like this might help your readers get to know your own characters, so don't be afraid to use this format for your own works and such. No need to credit me for that or anything.

If you want to get to know the Femmes and some of my other My Hero Academia-based original characters, read on! Let me know what you think of them and feel free to make some headcanons about them in the comments if you want also!

Enjoy and thanks for giving my characters some love in advance! It means a lot to me. <3)

~Jaclyn Perry~

Ethnicity: Indian-American (Her parents both have Indian descent but she was born in the U.S..)

Appearance: Black hair, milk chocolate-colored skin, dark brown, almost black eyes (see Optional RP in Cactus Juice for better visual)

Age: 18-27 (depending on the AU)

Gender: Cis Female

Pronouns: She/Her and They/Them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Quirk: Teleportation and metal-bending: (Legend of Korra style) she can make anything out of metal and use it as a weapon/diversion/etc. in battle. She has two quirks, which is extremely rare.

Backstory: (depends on AU) Jaclyn is (usually bc again, backstory depends on the AU) a foreign exchange student from California going to UA for a semester to learn how to be a hero.

Common Nicknames: Jack-Jack, Jackie/Jacquie, Mom, Mommy, Mum, the 'unbreakable hero/villain/villainess' [Love (totally not by damnallgoodnamesgone as a character lmao)]

Personality: INFP. Ambiverted (more introverted), bubbly around family and ppl she knows, compassionate, usually pretty chill, always tired, empathetic, socially awkward, kind of lazy, thoughtful and open-minded, musical, a mix of the "mom friend" and the "quirky friend" person

Flaws: Needing constant reassurance to combat her insecurities, ADHD, relatively short attention span, sometimes she has trouble remembering things. Jaclyn is very emotional and has trouble controlling her mood swings, so that affects how she fights from time to time. After being rejected/pranked/feeling taken for granted by boys she liked in the past, Jaclyn has serious trust issues and is terrified of falling in love but it happens anyway. She tends to be secretive and takes a long time to open up about her feelings; depending on the issue.

Hero/Antihero/Vigilante Name: Diamond

Hero Costume: Jaclyn's costume is similar to Mt. Lady's, but insulated and not as revealing of her skin. Its colors are purple, green and black, so she unintentionally has a Joker-like color scheme going on. She has a satchel for pieces of metal, a first aid kit, water, and a stash of protein bars as part of her costume. She has an eye mask that can help her see from far away and works kind of like glasses.

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