Pain feels my veins

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Pain fills my veins,
As tears pour down my face,
For me to bare,
And I feel hate sink deep,
But I don't care
The itch is unbarring,
Yet its not real;
I can feel the tearing,
But also not;
I do not understand.

My feelings switch,
As if they are not mine,
I need some help,
Yet I can't seem to ask;
I start to yelp,
For my mighty Lord,

I'm on my knees,
And drawing my last cord.
"I'm dying God;
Please God I ask for help."

My knees are sore,
But my faith will stay strong,
I know he's here,
And that keeps me going;
I have a fear,
But I still keep praying
"Lord I need help,
And I know your caring;
I've pushed my health,
From beyond what is good."

"So now I ask,
Will you forgive my sins,
And all my hate,
For I can't stand the pain;
I know I'm late,
And I have no excuse,
Which leaves me free;
God will you be my muse,
And lead me strong,
So I can break my chains."

"God, I crave joy,
And I know you give it,
I crave some love,
But only the good kind,
From the above,
I have had the bad kind,
Ups and the downs;
Which just screws with the mind;
I thank you God,
For everything you do."

Hello beautiful people! I pray that everyone who is reading this is having a great day, and if you aren't I pray that this lifts you up! :) Stay strong because God is on your side! Also if anyone has questions feel free to ask! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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