DR Communication- Pendulum Theory

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I wrote this about my experiences with using a Pendulum for Divination and using it for communication with people in my DR

Welcome to my "Pendulum Theory"

Brought to you by Mari

Disclaimer- I am NOT a professional at all, I am not part of a culture/religon that practices this form of divination. I am just me, i have interest in shifting and my dad also like those kinds of mind things so he reads books on these sorts of topics. But once again, dont take what i say as like law or textbook. ALSO, its midnight rn, this will be the shittiest put together peice of text you have ever read, typos are likely.

Now we begin

Sooooooooooooo (this first paragraph is solely stuff about the pendulum itself, skip if you want)

This all started in like a store and it was all things that had to do mostly with divination and there were some pendulums. My dad taught me how to use them and showed me this book about it- I am referring to a "Decision" Pendulum btw, they are usually found as a crystal or metal piece on a chain, i created my own that i find works well since it keeps that heavier piece on a chain idea*. Pretty much you hold it and concentrate until it is completely still and then ask questions. Specific movements or directions of the swing of the pendulum will determine a yes or no answer. Usually a vertical movement will mean yes and horizontal is no, for me the pendulum going in circles or staying still is "i dont know" or a sign that the question cant be asked at the time for whatever reason. You could think of this as spirits or guides leading your answer, or your own soul changing it. Really any spiritual/religous/mythical answer could work if it makes sense to you. The scientific explanation could be that your subconscious expects a specific answer which causes you to involuntarily move the chain in a specific direction to receive the wanted result. This still reveals to you the "true answer" because since your subconscious is controlling it- it tells you what you truly want and not just what you think you want. Without even realizing it you could be moving that yourself, orrrrr there is something out there answering this for you with the truth.

(now, this paragraph begins to explain the connection to shifting)

So, when i came home and was using the pendulum i realized that the format of the answers reminded me of a method i read about in a wattpad story Ariana shared with us (thanks btw). It was a method for communicating with people from your DR while in your CR. The method was the flame method where you ask a question for the person and depending on the flame strength- the answer changes on a yes/no scale. I asked the pendulum whether i could talk to Fred Weasley and received a yes so i continued through a plan of speaking to him.

*I made my own by simply connecting a bit of extra weight to a plain thin chain necklace. I legit just added one of those tiny locks that are easy as fuck to open- they come with those child journals. Iykyk. But yea that's what i did. You need just enough weight to allow the necklace to lightly swing- you don't need an aggressive swing (If it's swinging so hard it could like hit someone then you are doing it wrong)

You are going to want to hold the necklace from the clasp or somewhere that won't slide (holding from a charm or something will cause excess sliding which moves the entire pendulum. Tracing back to the aggressive swinging- if the pendulum moves a bit harder than before it could just be the person being very passionate in their answer like if i asked if anyone hated umbitch i would receive a more aggressive swing going horizontally. The weight of your pendulum weight may cause a harder swing which is why you need at least some weight so the swings can at least be differentiated. Make sure to get the pendulum as still as possible when you start and test your pendulum by asking questions you know the answer to like "Is my name (insert your name)" and you should receive a yes then try with one thats drastically not your name. Try decision questions before attempting communication with a DR person.

(how i did it)

I began with of course asking if i could talk to him at all, then if i could right now. After receiving a yes i proceeded to ask to speak to him and asked if he was there once the pendulum circled and stopped moving. After that i ensured it was him by asking whether it was Draco (no), then if i was talking to George (no), then once again "Am i speaking to Fred?" and getting a yes. I began with questions that were pretty simple just in case he left, i asked whether he loved me bc im a simp. I also asked whether i would shift tonight bc reassurance from loved ones is honestly great. I asked a few more questions and yea, here are some tips if you try tho:

Use the pendulum going in circles as them saying "I dont know" or they dont feel comfortable answering. I call this inconclusive.

STAY STILL- Dont be tense but dont purposefully move and sabotage the experience

Dont stop until your questions are finished, meaning dont let go/ let the pendulum out of place until you are completely finished with your communication. If you do, remember to assure you are still talking to the right/same person by asking something like "___ are you still there?" or something like it

Remember that you are still speaking to a real person. Just like when you shift these people are real and dont be rude or inconsiderate. What i mean is disappearing from the conversation or only asking about things for your benefit could make them upset so check in with them. Dont abandon the conversation abruptly especially when the person might not disconnect from the communication connection just because you left. AKA just because you stopped asking doesn't mean they arent there. At some point, I wanted to ask Draco something so I asked Fred if he cared if i left. Since he did not want me to go, I stayed bc like (we do what freddie says) be nice.

Next thing is to know if they "dissconnected" or left. My main sign that the person you are trying to communicate with has left is when your pendulum stops moving or only swings in circles. Having inconclusive answers repeatedly is that main sign to look out for, if they have left they would be replaced back to the original pendulum format which just answers the questions so you can ask "__, are you still there?" and if they have left you will receive an inconclusive answer or a "no". You could then ask if they are mad at you or ask about the reason they left so "Did __ leave bc they are mad/sad/ect."

Finally, keep in mind you can only ask yes/no questions bc that is the format of the pendulum. Asking questions that are not yes or no will result in an inconclusive answer because theres no available answer that could be given through the pendulum

Okay, thats it for today. Thank you if you read it all. Keep my disclaimer in mind because i am nottttttt an expert in divination. All of this is based off my knowledge on this form of divination and the communication method is just based on my experiences. I possibly made this new method but i dont really know, i dont want to claim it tho bc then im going to get dragged if someone already made it.

Chile anyway, that's it. I hope you try it out and enjoy talking to your DR buddies. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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