Chapter 1

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Camila closed her locker door and leant on it, "come on, Dinah." Camila sighed and whispered to herself. It had already been ten minutes and the Polynesian girl was taking forever to meet with her.

All of a sudden she heard that very familiar flirting banter of Dinah and her girlfriend Normani. They had met a few months ago at a dance class. Coincidentally, she also went to their school.

Once Dinah introduced Normani to her best friend, Camila and her instantly built a bond as strong as Dinah and herself. "Hey, Chancho." She greeted with her hair slightly messy, "sup, cheechee" Camila said.

"I don't even wanna know why your hair's like that." She continued with a grimace, "awww come on, Camila. Don't you want to know all the gruesome details of our make-out session in the bathroom?" Normani snickered.

"Ewww." She fake gagged, they all laughed before Camila froze and started coughing. Suddenly she saw Lauren Jauregui coming down the hallway with her friend Ally.

She could see the older Latina smiling and talking with the shorter girl. She noticed that Lauren was wearing a very skin tight shirt, black and white converse, black jeans, and did she say very skin tight shirt?

"Woah, calm down walz. I can see you drooling already." Dinah chuckled, "oh fuck off, DJ." Camila rolled her eyes and scoffed playfully. They had already known about her crush on Lauren for a while now and always teased the shit out of her when they could. She hated the dickheads for it, but wouldn't imagine life without them.

She glanced back at Lauren and looked at her shirt again, "727 fitness" Camila read aloud. "Seven titty what now?" Normani questioned with a raised eyebrow, Camila and Dinah looked at each other busted out laughing.

"Seven titty- Oh my god!" Camila cackled, Normani started wheezing and they all held their stomachs as the pain of their laughter got to them.

This caught Lauren's- and a lot of other people's attention. Lauren smiled softly as she saw Camila laughing and horsing around with her friends.

"What are you smiling at Laur?" Ally asked, she turned to her "uhh, nothing." She said sheepishly. Ally looked at the direction the green eyed girl was staring at and found Camila, Dinah, and Normani laughing their asses off.

"Oh, I see" Ally smirked, "your looking at that Camila girl again aren't you?" She finished teasingly.

"What- how'd you know??" Lauren asked, surprised. "well Dinah and Normani are in a relationship, and plus you've been looking at that girl this whole week." She answered, chuckling.

"Oh, sorry I don't know why I keep staring at her." Lauren said, "yet." Ally whispered under her breath. "What?" She asked, "nothing. Come on laur." Ally giggled at her poor oblivious friend.

Camila wiped her tears away, "okay I think we should go now." She caught her breath and smiled. "Yeah all this laughing is making me hungry." Dinah rubbed her stomach, "you're always hungry Dinah." Camila and Normani said in unison.

"True." Dinah shrugged, "come on let's go guys." She wrapped her arms around each girls' shoulder.

"Ugh, Dinah your arm weighs a thousand pounds." Camila groaned as the weight pushed her down, Dinah chuckled as she lifted her arm off.

Camila glanced back at Lauren and turned back to her friends, "I think I'll walk home today guys." She said. "Okay walz be careful." Normani and Dinah waved goodbye. "Bye." She said before watching them walk out of the school.

She turns back Lauren's direction and moves out of the way, just enough to be out of their sight. Camila leaned against the wall, "hmm 727 fitness." she mumbled to herself.

"Should I go?" She asked herself, one part of her wanted to go and possibly bump into Lauren. She blushed at the thought of seeing Lauren working out.


How does she even know Lauren goes there?

It could be her moms' shirt for fucks sake. Camila slapped her forehead at that thought.

Who's fucking mom goes to the gym?! She laughed to herself as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and brought up google. She typed in '727 fitness' into the search bar.

She clicked on the link and found out that the gym was about 20 minutes away from the school on foot. "Aw fuck." Camila hissed, it was a hot day outside and she wasn't the most athletic person out there.

She sighed and walked out of the school. Camila followed her phone's instructions to her destination. Only being almost run over twice, which was a new record for her. She arrived to the gym, with only some mild sweat on her forehead.

"Holy shit, this place is huge." She gasped as she observed the 2 story building. She closed her eyes and inhaled a breath, exhaling it and opening her eyes as she marched forward towards the fitness center.

She got inside to the cool AC and went up to the front desk. She saw a head of green and black hair. "Hey, Camila. What brings you here?" She said, "Billie? I didn't know you work here." Camila smiled.

Billie was her partner in science class. She was also Lauren's other best friend. "Ugh, trust me I'm only here for the free workouts." She chuckled, "so how can I help you today?" Billie continued.

"Ummm." She said wide eyed. Fuck. She didn't think this far. "Want a gym membership? I could give you a friends-only discount." Billie offered with a smile. "Really? O-okay Thanks." Camila said, "no problem." She chuckled, shooting a text to ally.

You won't believe who the fuck walked into the fitness center today

"So how much is the monthly fee?" Camila asked, "only five dollars my friend, you've got a good deal." Billie smirked. "Haha, thanks I owe you one." Camila said, "No really it's okay, you can go ahead and look around." She waved it off as she heard a buzz from her phone.


Camila. Fucking. Cabello.



Camila furrowed her eyebrows as she heard Billie giggling to herself. She continued walking down the stairs and got to the first floor. "God, I'm out of shape." Camila heaved lightly, she looked around the area and saw all the treadmills and gym equipment.

Oh hey, and there's Lauren running on one of the said treadmills. Wow her abs are showing holy shit. Wait- Lauren?! Camila widened her eyes and looked frantically for a place to run to.

But it was too late.

It's been awhile since I've updated sorry hehe
Also The Curse update is coming soon!
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Sorry for any mistakes
Bye lovelies

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