A Taste Of Payback

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Every time they were at the party she was wondering how many of their friends knew that she was a bad wife. That she had an affair at work. That she cheated on her husband. That she moved out of their house for whole month.  It was wrong on every possible level.

She should stop these thoughts from eating her mind. Aubrey was holding her hand and his thumb was making small circles on her wrist.

She ended her affair.

She asked for forgiveness and he accepted.

She changed her job and banished Christopher from her life. She was telling Aubrey she loves him without waiting for him to say it, making sure he kwen she wanted him for real. She was taking him lingerie shopping with her and initiating their lovemaking.

She was waiting and hoping everything would return to normal.

"Oh,  Aubrey? Hi!" female voice cut through her thoughts, yanking her back to reality.

Her beloved man turned around, surprised.

"Onika" He managed to say "I didn't expect to see you here" and his facial expression said or ever again "What are you doing here?" 

Robyn glanced at the other women from under her long eyelashes. She was pretty with her big brown eyes and straight black hair. But her full attention focused on her very feminine shapes.

"Oh gosh! I didn't know we have mutual friends" Onika cried out, joyfully, walking up to them and holding a plate with a piece of chocolate cake "But I was hoping I might run into you again" She licked her pink lips and tilted her head, exposing her neck to him.

Robyn saw when her husband's eyes widened befor he responded.

"Yeah, trust me, I am surprised too" Aubrey cleared his throat "This is Robyn, my wife" She felt his arm sneak around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Hey" Robyn said dryly and sent her fake smile.

"Oh" her eyes darted to Robyn's face "Your... Wife" her voice cracked when she said the last word.

"Yes. My wife" his voice was serious, his face was serious, he was serious. Onika's sight fell on the wedding band on his finger and she looke at him weirdly.

"Well... I must go... I left my date somewhere" she said giving Aubrey a half-smile, and looking around the room.

"Your cake" Robyn reminded her about a plate she left on the table, with a sugar sweet smile.

"I think I just lost my appetite" she answered coldly as she walked away, heading for where Dwayne was siting. Robyn watched her go, then turned to her husband.

"What?" He was avoiding her eyes. 

"Do you know that woman?" Robyn asked, but he didn't answer.

"It's a simple question, honey" she said softly, letting him take her hand.

"I met her" he admited "Once" he added.


"Three months ago. When you move out of our house" he sighed. 

She blinked and took a deep breath


"In the bar"

"And?" she insisted.

"We talked and had a few drinks together" he said carefully.

"Something else happen?" She was staring intensly at him.

Aubrey was silent.

"Did you..." she whispered, biting her lip "Did you go to the hotel with her?"

"No" he said slowly when their eyes finally met "She came home with me"

Robyn tried to swallow and realized there was a lump in her throat.

"To our home?" she asked and he nodded his head.

"You fucked her?" she asked, keeping her voice low. Their friends were not far.

He inhaled deeply. 

"So, how was it?"

"Robyn... Please don't make a scene"

"I just want to know" She watched as Onika turned her gaze again to Aubrey.

"Yeah? Maybe I want too. So, did he make you come every time?" Aubrey trew back immediately.

In the blink of an eye Robyn stood, avoiding his hand that moved toward her in comfort.

"We are leaving" she commanded.

The whole ride home was silent. Aubrey was focused on the road and Robyn was watching the lights through the window.

Half an hour later they were at home. Robyn went straight to the mini-bar, she needed something stronger to drink than wine. She poured herself a glass of vodka.

"You can do it now" she spoke first to him after her glass was empty.

"Do what?" 

"Say you are sorry" she simply stated.

"Me?" Aubrey asked as he rolled his eyes "For what?"

 "For what?!" she shouted "You have gotta to be fucking kidding me!"

"Yeah! I fucked her! Happy?!" he yelled "Why do you even care in the first place?" he said with frustration "We weren't even together at the time" he swallowed "You left me for another man. You were living with another man. And we both pretty well know you had sex with him more than once."

"It's not about him!" she hissed.

"Yes it is!" he interupted her "I didn't sleep with her because I was unhappy in my marriage! And it wasn't the first thing I did after you left our house!"

Robyn didn't reply him and looked away, she did so without hesitation, without thought. He took a giant breath and closed his eyes.

"Understand me... We met by chance and it was one night stand. Nothing more, I swear" his voice once again soft and sad.

"I love you and I would never chaet on you" he sighed "You know this"

"I want you, but I want you to want me too" Aubrey continued  "I feel like you don't want to be with me anymore. You are afraid to lose me, but youd don't really want me. Sometimes I even think you are forcing yourself to have sex with me" The pain in his voice evident and piercing to Robyn's heart. The guilt was eating her.

"It was like that before you cheated and you are still acting this way. You have made it clear your career is more important to you than me and our marriage. You don't want to have baby with me-"

"Yes I do" Robyn said quietly as the tears finally broke free. He looked at her confused. "Aubrey... I... I am sorry, so sorry" she sobbed "I want you. I want to be married to you and. I want to have sex with you and I want to have your baby"

He observed her for a moment, then walked to her and kissed her with all the longing, all the love he felt. She opened her mouth and responded eagerly.

"I love you" she moaned on his lips.

"I love you too" he whispered.

Aubrey picked her up and carried her to their bedroom where they made love, slowly and sensually, for hours.

A Taste Of PaybackWhere stories live. Discover now